• Prepare to lead in your chosen field.

    The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) offers a cutting-edge program and award-winning faculty geared towards the shifting needs of our business world, encouraging students to discover creative business solutions that aren’t defined by boundaries.

    The four-year Honours BBA program provides students with a strong foundation in all aspects of general management, including accounting, marketing, finance, organizational behaviour and strategy. Its core curriculum is complemented with specialized elective courses in key areas of business, as well as non-business elective courses taken outside of the faculty at York University.

    The program takes an innovative and global approach, emphasizing critical management attributes like communication and interpersonal skills. Students entering Year 3 can choose to specialize their studies in one or two of the eleven areas of specialization offered at Schulich, and can also opt to spend a term studying abroad at one of Schulich’s leading business school partners around the world.

    Program Partner


“The reason I chose Schulich was the breadth of specializations it offered. It gave me the opportunity to look at my options before I chose the fields of study that were right for me.”

Alexandria Zamora (BBA ’17) Account Coordinator, Viral Nation
  • Career Opportunities

    Chart your career path. Through your choice of Schulich’s cutting edge specializations, your entrepreneurial spirit and the skills you acquire working with very talented and motivated classmates, you will be sought after by top employers. Whether as an Investment Banking Analyst, Assistant Brand Manager, Marketing Research Analyst or Staff Accountant pursuing your CPA designation, the Schulich BBA will provide you with the platform to succeed.

    As a Schulich BBA student, you’ll have access to the Schulich Centre for Career Design (CCD). Benefit from individual industry and career advising with our certified coaches, who have a unique combination of knowledge and experience in major industries. Meet alumni, recruiters and corporate leaders at corporate information sessions and other CCD events as well as get online access to the very best career tools available

  • Our BBA could lead you to an exciting career in an organization such as...

The Schulich BBA in Numbers

  • Choose your competitive career advantage.*

  • At Schulich, our expertise in various specialized areas of study will help you meet your unique career objectives and give you a competitive career advantage.

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*Specializations offered subject to student demand.

BBA in the News

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BBA Program Details by Category

Admission Requirements

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Admission to the BBA program is based on two equally weighted criteria:

  1. Your academic performance
  2. Your supplementary application

The application process consists of two parts: your Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) application, and your Schulich Supplementary Application. You can apply via OUAC as soon as you have received your OUAC pin code.

View Admission FAQs

Academic Performance

The Schulich School of Business receives thousands of applications each year with an incoming class of approx. 500 students. To be academically competitive, Ontario high school applicants should aim for a minimum GPA in their Grade 12 courses ranging from the high 80s to low 90s – although the minimum cutoff in past years has ranged between 91.5% and 92%.  Note that meeting the minimum GPA requirement does not guarantee admission. 

Academic Requirements: Direct Entry Applicants

To be eligible for admission, Ontario high school applicants must complete *ENG4U, *MHF4U, and MCV4U or MDM4U as part of their top six grade 12 courses.

*A minimum of 70% in ENG4U and MHF4U is required. No more than two 4M courses will be considered for admission.

For Direct Entry academic requirements outside of Ontario, visit futurestudents.yorku.ca/requirements.

Academic Requirements: York Delayed Entry Applicants

External Transfer Students: Due to the structure of the BBA program and small program size, the Schulich School of Business does not consider external transfer students under any circumstances. If you are interested in transferring to a different business program at York like the BCom Bachelor of Commerce program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, please view York’s eligible programs.

Internal York Transfer Students: The Schulich School of Business BBA program is, broadly speaking, a Direct Entry (high school to university) program only. Current York students who have entered York directly from high school and have completed the required prerequisite courses in Year 1 may be considered on a case-by-case basis for admission to Year 2 of the BBA program via the Delayed Entry path. The process is extremely competitive and each year a small number of students are successful (0-8).  Complete requirements, prerequisite course information, and the application packages are available below.

Watch our BBA Delayed Entry Information Session! 

Supplementary Application

The supplementary application is used to provide the admissions team with a better understanding of the complete student. While academic performance is important, Schulich is looking for well-rounded students who can also demonstrate leadership potential, teamwork experience, resilience, and empathy towards others.

Application Deadlines

To be considered for admission, applicants must apply through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) and complete a supplementary application.

Fall 2025 OUAC Application Deadline

Direct-Entry Ontario and Non-Ontario High School Applicants (Year 1): January 15, 2025

York Delayed-Entry Applicants (Year 2): OUAC application not required

Fall 2025 Delayed Entry BBA Application Deadline

York Delayed-Entry Applicants (Year 2): March 3, 2025

Fall 2025 Supplementary Application Deadline

Direct-Entry Ontario and Non-Ontario High School Applicants (Year 1): February 3, 2025

York Delayed-Entry Applicants (Year 2): March 10, 2025

Note: The Fall 2025 supplementary application will be available online on November 4, 2024 at schulich.yorku.ca/suppapp


Complete Your OUAC Application      Supplementary Application

Tuition & Fees

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For the most up to date undergraduate program fees visit the York University Course and Program Fees page.

Study Options

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The BBA is offered as a full-time, four year program at the Keele campus. As a direct-entry program, students will begin their core business curriculum right from term 1.

Available delivery options

  • Direct-Entry 48 to 60 months
  • Delayed-Entry 36-48 months


  • Schulich School of Business - Keele Campus
Graduation Requirements

Curriculum Overview

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The BBA curriculum consists of a carefully designed mix of core business studies, business electives, and electives taken through York’s ten other faculties, providing students with a well-rounded management education. Click below for a more detailed overview of the curriculum by year.

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Year 1

Click on the course code to view the full description.


Plus 6.00 credits of non-Schulich elective courses

Year 2


Plus 9.00 credits of non-Schulich elective courses

Year 3 & Year 4


Plus 21.00 credits of Schulich electives, 12.00 credits of non-Schulich electives and an additional 24.00 credits of electives of your choice (can be Schulich or non-Schulich)

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Students entering Year 3 of the BBA or iBBA program can choose to specialize in up to two of the eleven areas of specialization offered at the Schulich School of Business. Choosing an area of specialization is not mandatory.


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  • The BBA faculty is comprised of leading scholars from the world’s top universities, passionate about their chosen fields, dedicated to their students, and committed to award-winning research.

    As pioneers in areas such as risk management, entrepreneurship, global marketing, and corporate social responsibility (CSR), BBA faculty members draw on their research findings to enrich the classroom experience of every student. Schulich faculty are passionate about their chosen fields, and in many instances have shaped thinking in these fields. Because this cutting-edge research is integrated into your classes, you gain the most up-to-date knowledge and skills possible.

    Teaching & Learning Online

Program faculty members

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Student Clubs

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The Schulich student experience is characterized by diversity. As such, our undergrads are encouraged to get involved in a broad range of extra-curricular activities, attend events, and form lasting relationships with their peers from across the globe.

i/BBA students have access to an exciting variety of co-curricular activities to enrich their time at Schulich and diversify their resumes. Explore diverse student clubs, participate in global case competitions, or develop leadership skills as a member of Schulich’s ambassador program or student government.

Learn more about Undergraduate Student Life

International Opportunities

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  • With 65 international partner schools, a renowned international faculty and a global reputation, the Schulich BBA gives you the freedom to take your business education beyond borders.

    • Learn how business is conducted in another region.
    • Experience the realities of fair trade as you cultivate coffee alongside local farms on a South American study tour.
    • Immerse yourself in a new culture and make friends across the world as you spend a semester abroad.

    Where will your BBA take you?

    Explore International Opportunities

Professional Designations

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  • Professional Designations

    The BBA curriculum offers students the option to complete the prerequisite courses required to begin the process of becoming a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA).

Career Opportunities

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  • The Schulich Career Development Centre (CDC) offers a wealth of innovative programs and resources to help students launch their ideal career path and facilitate future employment opportunities. The CDC gives BBA students a chance to personally meet recruiters through company information sessions and provide workshops on job search techniques, resume writing and interviewing strategies. Students have access to exclusive job postings for full-time and summer internship employment opportunities.Top companies that recruit BBA students include:
    • CIBC
    • L'Oreal
    • RBC Financial Group
    • Proctor & Gamble
    • Kraft Food Inc.
  • The Schulich Centre for Career Design

    Your career is top priority at Schulich. To make career decisions that are right for you, the CCD will help you identify strengths, determine career objectives, develop career plans, hone skills for career management and put your professional development plan into action.

    - Our highly experienced CCD Advisors bring a unique combination of first-hand knowledge, experience and diverse perspectives in a wide variety of businesses and industry sectors.

    - Take advantage of a series of proven career-building modules, including up-to-date Job Search Techniques, Self-Assessment, Resume and Cover Letter Writing, and Interview Skills to help you stand out from the competition.

    - Corporate Information Sessions offer you an opportunity to meet top level recruiters, alumni and executives.

  • Centre for Career Design

External Partners

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CI Financial Internships Initiative

Investing in the Future - A CI Financial and Schulich School of Business Initiative

CI Financial is a diversified global wealth and asset management company with over $364 billion (as of October 2022) of assets under management/administration. Since 1965, CI Financial has consistently anticipated and responded to the changing needs of investors, driven by a commitment to provide individuals and institutions with the highest-quality investments and advice. 

The goal of this initiative is to leverage the strengths and synergies of the two organizations to bring real world learning experiences to students through internships, innovative projects, and industry events. Two team projects in business analytics are already underway this fall.