Starting at Schulich Next Term?

Take a look ahead at some helpful reminders and dates by selecting your Program Checklist below. Note that more detailed information and dates will be added to the checklists closer to your program start.

New to the PhD program? Start here.

MBA Checklist (Fall 2024) MHIA Checklist
MBA Checklist (Winter 2025) MMAI Checklist (Summer 2024)
MBA India Checklist MMgt Checklist
MAcc Checklist (Summer 2024) MMKG Checklist
MAcc Checklist (Fall 2024) MSCM Checklist (Summer 2024)
MBAN Checklist (Summer 2024) MREI Checklist
MF Checklist Tech MBA Checklist

You will receive a series of e-mails in the months leading up to your program start about the following:

1. Student Accounts

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  • Next steps for setting up your Passport York account, which you will need to access online services at York University, enrol in courses, and register for orientation. Your Passport York ID will be used in various account IDs and school email addresses.
  • To set up your Schulich e-mail signature, download this guide with instructions and template.
  • Watch for an invitation to join OneSchulich, a CampusGroups powered engagement platform to stay connected to student clubs, your student government, and events.
  • All Schulich students will be granted access to Canvas, your Learning Management System, used as a collaborative online environment for course management and sharing course materials.
  • Closer to the start of term, once all your IDs have been created, the Career Development Centre will provide you with instructions to create an account on Handshake, where you can access all career services at Schulich.

2. Smart Start & Pre-Arrival Webinars

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MBA students will be e-mailed a link to register for Smart Start, a mandatory webinar scheduled in advance of your first term at Schulich, with their academic advisor.

Incoming Masters students will have an opportunity to participate in a class Q&A Webinar with their assigned academic advisor.

In addition to these webinars, international students will also connect with the International Relations team during pre-arrival webinars, scheduled in the months leading up to your move to Toronto. These sessions will address topics such as housing accommodations, study permits, health coverage and travel to Canada.

3. Program Orientations

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Latin for “I begin; I undertake” (a certain activity, enterprise, business) Ineō is the name given to your orientation at Schulich. Ineō encompasses many different activities designed to prepare you for the journey ahead, motivate you to succeed, and help you feel connected to your new community.

Mandatory Ineō Orientation length and activities vary by program, but you can expect to meet your program director, connect with your new classmates, and familiarize yourself with different services and supports available to you at Schulich, including sessions for international students adjusting to student life within the Canadian context.

MBA students will be invited to Launch Week events within Ineō Orientation, designed to prepare you for the core Year 1 MBA curriculum. Conduct a case analysis in teams, develop career skills and grow your team-building skills off campus. You will be sent dates and registration details before the start of term.

A Passport York account is required to register for all orientations.

4. Course Enrolment

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You will receive a detailed outline of your first term classes and instructions on how to enrol in courses at Schulich. Please note that you will only receive instructions and access to enrol in classes after you have booked Smart Start (MBA) or registered for your program orientation (specialized Masters.)

In the meantime, you may browse Schulich Course Offerings.

5. Prep Courses & Conditional Requirements

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If you are a MMgt, MMAI, MSCM or MMKG student, or if you have received a conditional offer, you may have mandatory prep courses to complete before your first term.

You will be e-mailed detailed instructions to complete your prep courses (typically 6 weeks in advance of the start of term). Do not enrol in the prep courses until you have been contacted by Student & Enrolment Services; in some cases, you may require a Schulich access code, instructions for reimbursement and/or secure links to exam components.

6. Important Dates & Reminders

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E-mail communications will also include reminders about fees, start dates, enrolment deadlines, advanced standing and more.

View Key Dates

7. Connecting With Your New Classmates

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As you approach the start of term, you’ll have opportunities to connect with the Schulich student community. Watch for an introduction from your student representatives on the Graduate Business Council, and an invitation to join OneSchulich, a campus engagement platform where you can introduce yourself to your classmates.

  • New to Toronto, Canada?

    Feel right at home by taking advantage of the amazing student population and resources available to you.

    • Buddy up with a current Schulich student
    • Check out the “New To Canada Arrival Guide”
    • Register for a Pre-Arrival Webinar


York University Student Resources

Explore York’s Current Students webpage to:

  1. Access your student account, order transcripts and enrol in courses
  2. Find information about transportation, housing, parking and other on-campus resources
  3. Apply for academic accommodations with York University’s Student Accessibility Services, which offers a range of services that support your academic success
  4. Plot your weekly schedule and map out your term with the Visual Schedule Builder, a self-serve online tool for course planning

Go to York’s Current Students webpage