EMBA Readiness Test
An EMBA Program requires an appreciable commitment in resources: both time and financial. Are you ready? See if any of the statements below applies to you.
1. I like my job and I am not planning to leave but I am not being challenged in my role. I am looking for an internal move and/or promotion.
2. I like my job but I am casually looking and am interested in seeing what else is “out there”.
3. I don’t plan to stay with my current employer. I am looking to do similar work in a new organization or maybe a new industry.
4. I have the specific goal of starting my own business.
5. I am currently running my own business and am interested in taking the business to the next level.
6. It has been years since I was in school and I feel as if I am falling behind. Everyone else seems to be doing something to stay competitive.
If you identified with at least one of the above statements, then you are EMBA ready!
Take the next step and join us at one of our Information Sessions to learn about the benefits of the Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA Program.
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