Publications Database

Welcome to the new Schulich Peer-Reviewed Publication Database!

The database is currently in beta-testing and will be updated with more features as time goes on. In the meantime, stakeholders are free to explore our faculty’s numerous works. The left-hand panel affords the ability to search by the following:

  • Faculty Member’s Name;
  • Area of Expertise;
  • Whether the Publication is Open-Access (free for public download);
  • Journal Name; and
  • Date Range.

At present, the database covers publications from 2012 to 2020, but will extend further back in the future. In addition to listing publications, the database includes two types of impact metrics: Altmetrics and Plum. The database will be updated annually with most recent publications from our faculty.

If you have any questions or input, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Search Results

Nguyen, Phuong-Anh, Ambrus Kecskés, and Sattar Mansi (2020). "Does Corporate Social Responsibility Create Shareholder Value? The Importance of Long-term Investors", Journal of Banking and Finance, 112.

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Abstract We study the effect of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on shareholder value. We argue that long-term investors can ensure that managers choose the amount of CSR that maximizes shareholder value. We find that long-term investors do increase the value to shareholders of CSR activities, not through higher cash flow but rather through lower cash flow risk. Following prior work, we use indexing by investors and state laws on stakeholder orientation for identification. Our findings suggest that CSR activities can create shareholder value as long as managers are properly monitored by long-term investors.

Aarat, M., Coplan, M. and Matten, D. (2018). "Business Groups and Corporate Responsibility for the Public Good", Journal of Business Ethics, 153(4), 911-929.

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Abstract This paper analyzes the relationship between Business Groups as a distinct way of organizing economic activities and their relation to the public good. We first analyze the phenomenon of Business Groups and discuss some of their core features. Subsequently, the paper moves to analyzing the existing literature on Business Groups and corporate social responsibility (CSR) as the most common label for the topic of this Special Issue. Subsequently, specific peculiarities of Business Groups in the context of CSR and their contribution to the public good are fleshed out. Based on this analysis, the paper delineates some implications for the field of CSR and the wider debate on the nature of the firm. We close with some perspectives for future research.

Barnett, M., Henriques, I. and Husted, B. (2018). "Governing the Void Between Stakeholder Management and Sustainability", Advances in Strategic Management, 38, 121-143.

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Abstract In this chapter, we explain why firms selectively responding to the most powerful, legitimate, and urgent demands of their stakeholders will not bring about sustainability and offer suggestions on what we should do in light of this shortcoming. Sustainability issues tend to be wicked problems that require cooperation across parties and over time to define and resolve. Stakeholder pressures can bring sustainability to the fore, but government intervention is necessary to drive meaningful action to resolve such issues. Without government intervention, self-interested stakeholders can pressure firms to move away from the complex, long-term challenges of wicked problems. Yet, stakeholder pressure is also necessary, as without it, industries may self-regulate in self-serving ways. Our analysis thus suggests that collaboration between business, government, and other stakeholders is necessary to resolve the wicked problems of sustainability. We therefore urge the stakeholder literature to move beyond its libertarian underpinnings by (re)incorporating government into models of effective corporate governance.

Cho, C.H., Jung, J-H., Kwak, B., Lee, J. and Yoo, C-Y. (2017). "Professors on the Board: Do They Contribute to Society Outside the Classroom?", Journal of Business Ethics, 141(2), 393-409.

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Abstract According to our data, 38.5% of S&P 1500 firms have at least one professor on their boards. Given the lack of research examining the roles and effects of academic faculty as members of boards of directors (professor-directors) on corporate outcomes, this study investigates whether firms with professor-directors are more likely to exhibit higher corporate social responsibility (CSR) performance ratings. Results indicate that firms with professor-directors do exhibit higher CSR performance ratings than those without. However, the influence of professor-directors on firm CSR performance ratings depends on their academic background—the positive association between the presence of professor-directors and firm CSR performance ratings is significant only when their academic background is specialized (e.g., science, engineering and medicine). Finally, this positive association weakens when professor-directors hold an administrative position at their universities.

Bosse, D.A. and Phillips, R.A. (2016). "Agency Theory and Bounded Self Interest", Academy of Management Review, 41(2), 276-297.

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Abstract Agency theory draws attention to certain behaviors of CEOs and boards that, in aggregate, create losses for society. The empirical literature, however, characterized by contentious findings, suggests that the current form of agency theory is not supporting a clear understanding of these behaviors and their costs. We propose a change to one assumption, with potentially profound implications. Expanding on the assumption of narrow self-interest underlying agency theory, we apply an empirically well-established refinement that self-interest is bounded by norms of reciprocity and fairness. The resulting logic is that perceptions of fairness mediate the relationships derived from standard agency theory through positively and negatively reciprocal behaviors. This mediating variable provides a parsimonious new way to help explain extreme results found in prior studies. Rather than aiming to limit CEOs’ self-serving behaviors, boards that apply these arguments improve social welfare by initiating positive reciprocity and avoiding unnecessary, welfare-reducing “revenge” behaviors.

Cho, C.H., Michelon, G., Patten, D.M. and Roberts, R.W. (2014). "CSR Report Assurance in the United States: An Empirical Investigation of Determinants and Effects", Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 5(2), 130-148.

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Abstract Purpose: This study aims at providing a proof of the factors associated with sustainability assurance demand by French companies. Design/methodology/approach: This research used panel data methodology. Findings: The study results demonstrate that institutional ownership and the presence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) committee within the management board have an effect on the demand for sustainability assurance. The results also reveal that three types of stakeholders (employees, environment and customers) positively affect the demand of voluntary sustainability assurance. Originality/value: The paper provides a preliminary proof on the effects of the governance of corporation and pressure of some groups of stakeholders on the voluntary demand of sustainability assurance in France.

Bae, K., Baek, J.S., Kang, J.K. and Liu, W.L. (2012). "Do Controlling Shareholders’ Expropriation Incentives Imply a Link between Corporate Governance and Firm Value? Theory and Evidence", Journal of Financial Economics, 105(2), 412-435.

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Abstract We develop and test a model that investigates how controlling shareholders' expropriation incentives affect firm values during crisis and subsequent recovery periods. Consistent with the prediction of our model, we find that, during the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Asian firms with weaker corporate governance experience a larger drop in their share values but, during the post-crisis recovery period, such firms experience a larger rebound in their share values. We also find consistent evidence for Latin American firms during the 2001 Argentine economic crisis. Our results support the view that controlling shareholders' expropriation incentives imply a link between corporate governance and firm value.

Bae, K., Kim, S. and Kim, W. (2012). "Family Control and Expropriation at Not-for-Profit Organizations: Evidence from Korean Private Universities", Corporate Governance: An International Review, 20, 388-404.

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Abstract Manuscript Type: Empirical. Research Question/Issue: We study an agency problem in private universities – the conflict between controlling familiesand other stakeholders. We investigate whether universities over which controlling families have disproportionatelysignificant power relative to the amount of funds they contribute, that is, universities with high expropriation risk, areassociated with lower outside donations and poor quality. Research Findings/Insights: Using a sample of Korean private universities, we find that measures of family control inexcess of monetary contributions are negatively related to the level of outside donation and measures of university quality.We also find that universities at which the controlling family exerts disproportionate control are more likely to face disputesbetween the controlling family and other stakeholders. Finally, we show that our results are not driven by reverse causality. Theoretical/Academic Implications: While the existing literature on not-for-profit organizations focuses on the conflictbetween professional managers and other stakeholders, we study the conflict between controlling families and otherstakeholders. We investigate a situation in which the controlling family expropriates other stakeholders, a topic missingfrom the existing not-for-profit literature. Practitioner/Policy Implications: This study offers insights to policymakers interested in creating private universities in anemerging market setting. The relevance of our results is not limited to Korea. According to Altbach, family control of privateuniversities is prevalent in a number of countries, including Mexico, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, the Philippines,Argentina, India, and China.