Publications Database
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Search Results
Fischer, E. and Smith, A. (2020). "Pay Attention, Please! Person Brand Building in Organized Online Attention Economies", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 258-279.
Individuals increasingly seek to establish person brands on digital platforms that create organized online attention economies, which bring together attention seekers and audiences. While prior research has taught us much about how individuals develop person brands, there is limited guidance on how they attract and retain engaged attention (that is, attention that includes interaction) on such platforms. Through an inductive analysis of qualitative data obtained from a digital platform on which more than 16,000 authors compete for the attention of more than 13 million audience members, we develop theory regarding the iterative process by which person brands attract engaged attention in such online attention economies. Our paper offers practical insights to those seeking to attract attention and increase audience engagement online, as well as guidance to marketers and platform managers interested in taking advantage of this phenomenon.Oliver, C. and Valente, M. (2018). "Meta-Organization Formation and Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa", Organization Science, 29(4), 678-701.
In response to recent calls for theory to predict and explain the phenomenon of “meta-organizations,” we set out to identify the causes of their formation. Using a cross-case comparison of multiple case studies in sub-Saharan Africa, where nine focal firms varied in their response to the complexities of sustainability, we examined how and why some firms approached sustainability through a meta-organization while others did not. Our findings show that meta-organizations may be an effective means of managing the complexity of sustainability when participants exhibit an openness to innovative forms of collaboration—which, in turn, rests on complex systems framing and experiential embeddedness—and when they collectively undergo a four-stage process of meta-organization formation that transforms dormant resources into critical sources for achieving systemic goals. Our results also suggest that meta-organizations may be particularly well suited to addressing institutional and market voids, which typically constitute highly complex economic and social contexts. In addition to making contributions to the extant literature on interorganizational relationships and networks, this paper, to our knowledge, is the first to examine the appropriateness of the meta-organizational form in less developed economies, extending the potential generalizability of its application to multiple economic contexts.Crane, A., Henriques, I. and Husted, B. (2018). "Quants & Poets: Advancing Methods and Methodologies in Business & Society Research", Business & Society, 57(1), 3-25.
Business and society research has increasingly moved from the margins to the mainstream. Although this progression has benefited from advances in empirical research, the field continues to suffer from considerable methodological challenges that hamper its development. In this introductory article to the special issue, we review how far our field has come in advancing methods and methodologies in business and society research. We also highlight the methods and methodologies covered by the contributors to this special issue and how they help address key shortcomings in our field. Finally, we suggest some promising research methodologies that can address important business and society research challenges going forward.Chow, C., Massey, D., Thorne, L. and Wu, A. (2013). "A Qualitative Examination of Auditors’ Differing Ethical Characterizations Across the Phases of the Audit", Research on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting, 17, 97-138.
Over the last decade, many published papers lament auditors’ shift from professionalism to commercialism and call for increasing auditors’ commitment to the public interest (see, e.g., Bailey, 2008; Fogarty & Rigsby, 2010; Lampe & Garcia, 2013; Wyatt, 2004; Zeff, 2003a, 2003b). At the same time, suggesting effective methodologies for improving auditors’ commitment to the public interest is particularly challenging because issues arising in the audit context are complex, and often involve tradeoffs between multiple stakeholders (e.g., Gaa, 1992; Massey & Thorne, 2006). An understanding of auditors ethical characterizations across separate phases of the audit process is needed so that methodologies can be devised to improve auditors’ commitment to the public interest. Thus, in this paper we interviewed 24 auditors and asked them to describe critical ethical incidents that they have encountered throughout the various phases of the audit process. Our results not only document the tension underlying the shift between professionalism and commercialism in auditing suggested by others, but also show that ethical conflicts are found in each phase of the audit and there are cross-phase differences in the auditors’ ethical characterizations. Limitations of the findings are also discussed as are suggestions for future research.Fischer, E., Parmentier, M. and Reuber, A. (2013). "Positioning Person Brands in Established Organizational Fields", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 41(3), 373-387.
This paper inductively develops an extension to brand positioning theory to understand how individuals seeking work in established organizational fields can effectively position themselves. It does so by analyzing qualitative data on the practices of people in one job category (fashion models) in an established organizational field (fashion), examining them through the lens of concepts adapted from work by Pierre Bourdieu. Four brand positioning practices are identified as relevant for models vying for work in the fashion field: crafting a portfolio, cultivating and demonstrating upward affiliations, complying with occupation-specific behavioral expectations, and conveying field-conforming tastes. Drawing on Bourdieu, we argue more generally that person brand positioning within established organizational fields happens through processes that help to portray a person as having field-specific social and cultural capital that allows them to “stand out,” while acquiring the habitus that allows them to comply with field- and occupation-specific expectations in order to “fit in.” Standing out and fitting in have parallels with—but are not identical to—the processes of establishing and reinforcing points of differentiation and points of parity for product brands. Our study implies that scholars interested in person branding should further develop theories that illuminate variations in brand positioning practices between products and persons. It also suggests that people building person brands should be sensitized to the valued forms of capital and normative expectations in their field that enable them to stand out while fitting in.Belk, R. (2013). "Visual and Projective Research Methods in Asia", Qualitative Market Research, 16(1), 94-107.