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RSS FeedMaster of Management Candidate Wins Danone Leadership Award
Sammie Dhillon (MMGT ’22 Candidate) is the recipient of the second edition of the Danone L.I.F.T. (Lead and Inspire Female Talent) Leadership Award, receiving a cash prize of $3,000 and a mentorship opportunity with Caroline Duguay, Head of Communications from Danone Canada’s leadership. L.I.F.T. is an employee resource group sponsored by Danone, which is committed […]
Posted onBack-to-Back Wins at MBA Games for Team Schulich
This past weekend, Team Schulich represented our School at the 34th annual MBA Games, hosted online by the Schulich School of Business. Considered the largest MBA competition in Canada, this year’s three-day competition featured over 280 students from 16 MBA programs across the country competing in Academic, Athletic and Spirit challenges for the coveted Queen’s […]
Posted onMaster of Management Students Win Award by Tackling Plastic Waste
Five Master of Management students were recently awarded $1,000 for The Bob Elhart Award in the Entrepreneurship and New Firm Creation course. Team SAVON Skin consists of Feeha (Fia) Azeem (MMgt ’21), Anthony Azzarello (MMgt ’21), Stefania Priore (MMgt ’21), Tate Garlough (MMgt ‘21) and Toby Wercberger (MMgt ’21). The team was inspired to create […]
Posted onMeet the Graduate Business Council for 2021-22
Earlier this year, the Graduate Business Council (GBC) held its annual general elections and encouraged current graduate students to nominate their leaders, attend the debate and cast a vote. The GBC is the representative student body for both full-time and part-time students in all Schulich graduate degree programs. As the official student-faculty liaison, the GBC […]
Posted onTeam Schulich Finishes in 1st Place at MBA Games
This past weekend, Team Schulich represented our School at the 33rd annual MBA Games, hosted online by Laval University. Considered the largest MBA competition in Canada, this two-day competition features over 600 students from MBA programs across the country competing in Academic, Athletic and Spirit challenges for the coveted Queen’s Cup. The theme for this […]
Posted onMMGT Team Wins Bob Elhart Award for Startup Idea
A team of Master of Management (MMGT) students has won the first-ever Bob Elhart Prize for their entrepreneurial idea BARE. Shreya Ramesh, Puneet Gill, Aneetinder Saini and Vibhuti Handa were inspired by the closure of salons and spas during the early stages of the pandemic. “We thought of a ‘salon on wheels’, because of COVID-19,” said […]
Posted onInternational High-Fashion Model Pivots Her Career
Over the past decade, Gabrielle Ouellet (MMgt ’20) has been featured on numerous magazine covers and countless advertising campaigns for brands such as Target and Mackage. Gabrielle was first discovered on Facebook by Toronto agent, Chantale Nadeau, at 16 and was immediately offered a contract. “My pupils have an unusual shape that makes them unique,” […]
Posted onSchulich Alumna Delivers Grocery Program for Low-Income Kids
As schools remain closed across Toronto and many working families struggle with layoffs due to COVID-19, thousands of kids are not receiving the meals they normally do through breakfast and lunch programs. Gina Lee (MMGT ’17) decided to help this critical segment of the community that is being neglected at this time of crisis. Gina […]
Posted onTeam Schulich Scores Top Prize in the Ivey Cup Hockey Tournament
Congratulations to Team Schulich on their championship win in the 2019 Ivey Cup Hockey Tournament, an annual invitational business school tournament that takes place in London, Ontario. Teams participate representing business schools across Canada each year, and compete in a two-day tournament for the top prize, Lord Ivey’s Cup. The tournament is a great opportunity to compete […]
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