Why Research at Schulich Matters

Why Research at Schulich Matters

A Message from Dean Detlev Zwick:

Striving for research excellence is a key pillar of our School’s identity and mission. It defines who we are and plays an integral role in what we do.

Over the years, we’ve earned a reputation for producing cutting-edge research in a wide range of fields. Our dedicated faculty members are at the forefront of groundbreaking research, particularly in new and emerging areas, and are making significant contributions to their respective fields.

Our faculty are also garnering well deserved recognition for the work they do. To cite one recent example, seven Schulich faculty members were ranked among the top researchers in Canada and were also included in a listing of the world’s best according to Research.com, a leading academic platform for researchers.

By virtually any yardstick of measurement – whether it’s number of publications, citations, editorial positions, awards or research grant funding – Schulich’s faculty are world-class. They are advancing management knowledge and best practices, and generating invaluable insights that are being applied by industry and by business practitioners.

Moreover, our research centres and institutes play a pivotal role in furthering new knowledge and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration in areas such as responsible business, real estate and infrastructure, sustainable supply chain management, digital finance, marketing, and health management and leadership. These hubs of innovation provide vital support for faculty research and facilitate meaningful engagement with industry partners and the broader community.

Overall, I am very optimistic about the future of business research. In today’s increasingly complex and disruptive world, there’s never been a more urgent need – or greater demand – for high-quality, relevant research. A wide range of audiences, including business managers and their organizations, as well as policymakers and government officials, are hungry for research that provides valuable insights and potential solutions during a time of great transformational change. That’s one of the main reasons why we want to step up efforts aimed at showcasing our research more widely and promoting the stellar work being carried out by our faculty.

We remain committed at Schulich to fostering a culture of research excellence, one marked by a desire to explore and analyze of some of the big and complex issues facing business and society. We also take great pride in our many research accomplishments and intend to continue pushing boundaries and pursuing new avenues of inquiry with the goal of achieving even greater success in the years ahead.

Warm regards,

Detlev Zwick, PhD

Dean & Tanna H. Schulich Chair in Digital Marketing Strategy

ARD, Eileen Fischer

A Message from Eileen Fischer, Associate Dean, Research:

Dear Schulich Community:

Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Schulich Research Newsletter! This initiative builds on ideas that were generated during the Research Retreat held within the faculty in December of 2023.  Informed by the many thoughtful suggestions that day and since, our plan is to produce an edition of the newsletter each semester, and to share it as widely as possible.

“Why now?” you might ask. Here are a few compelling reasons that reflect the input of our collegium.

First, Schulich faculty are conducting and publishing research of extremely high calibre on a consistent basis.

That, in itself, is worth recognizing and celebrating.

Second, in our ongoing efforts to share the insights developed through our research with a wider audience, we need to expand the platforms through which we communicate about it. We hope this newsletter will both reach a wide swath of the Schulich community and build bridges to other networks of scholars and practitioners.

Third, we hope the newsletter will inspire even more impactful research that sheds light on the emerging technologies, shifting consumer behaviors, and global challenges demand our attention.

What To Expect In Future Newsletters

We anticipate that regular features of the newsletter will include articles highlighting insights from recent publications, interviews with faculty member about ongoing or forthcoming research, and summaries of achievements and recognitions received by faculty during the foregoing semester. But we’re open to input!

Please let us know what suggestions you have for what you’d like to see included in the newsletter.

A Call to Action

This newsletter cannot achieve its goals without assistance from the Schulich community. We invite Schulich faculty to draw to our attention any recently completed or ongoing work that they’d particularly like to circulate more widely. And we encourage everyone reading the newsletter to share it with members of their professional networks who are not (yet) subscribed. Please let us know what suggestions you have for what you’d like to see included in the newsletter – and how we can make future editions even better.

We hope you enjoy and appreciate this new initiative.

Eileen Fischer, Associate Dean Research, efischer@yorku.ca

Andrew Micak, Knowledge Mobilization Specialist, amicak@yorku.ca

Farhana Shumu Islam, Research Officer, fsislam@yorku.ca