We recognize that the past 18 months have been a very trying time for students. At Schulich, we are committed to supporting students holistically. We are excited to announce the Wellness Certificate.

The Wellness Certificate is a non-competitive certificate program that allows students to develop skills in 7 dimensions of wellness: Emotional, Career & Financial, Social, Physical, Financial, Intellectual, Creative, and Environment.  

To complete the Wellness Certificate, students will need to attend an event or workshop for each dimension of wellness as well as attend a reflection session.  


Dimension of Wellness:  

Schulich’s Wellness Certificate uses the dimensions of wellness framework that was developed by The Ohio State University. This framework has been adapted by universities across the USA and Canada.  


Emotional Wellness 

Emotional wellness is the ability to identify, express and manage a range of feelings. An emotionally well person understands when they need help and seeks this assistance.  


Career & Financial Wellness 

Career wellness is the ability to know and engage in meaningful professional work. A professionally well person can identify their career goals and take steps to realize them. A financially well person sets achievable financial goals and works towards reaching them. 


Social Wellness 

Social wellness is the ability to develop a support network that is based on respect, trust, and integrity. A socially well person understands others feelings and can express their own needs to those around them. 



Physical Wellness 

Physical wellness is the ability to get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet, and engage in physical activity. A physically well person prioritizes their physical well-being and seeks help when needed. 



Intellectual Wellness 

Intellectual wellness is the desire to continue to learn, critically think, and expand your knowledge. An intellectually well person prioritizes learning in formal and informal settings throughout their life.



Creative Wellness 

Creative wellness is the ability to express oneself through a creative outlet. A creatively well person engages in various forms of art and cultural experiences.  



Environmental Wellness 

Environmental wellness is the ability for a person to understand their connection to the world around them. An environmentally well person respects the environment and recognizes the interconnectedness of nature and the individual. 


*Definitions inspire by those from OSU and Waterloo 


How to Participate:  

Join the OneSchulich group for the Wellness Certificate here: https://oneschulich.yorku.ca/wellness/home/

Once you join the group, you will see a welcome message that has a link to a checklist. This checklist has all the activities that you need to complete to fulfill the requirements for the certificate.

As this is a non-competitive program, you can complete these tasks at any point during your degree at Schulich.

For example, to complete the Career and Financial Wellness dimension, you would need to attend 3 events or workshops at the Career Development Centre. After you do so, you will log in to the OneSchulich group and check this item off your checklist. Before you complete the dimension, you will need to submit a reflection. This reflection is located within the checklist.

As you finish the checklist items, you will receive badges for those specific dimensions. After you’ve received a badge for each dimension of wellness, you will be awarded your Wellness Certificate.


Why Should I Participate?  

The Wellness Certificate is developed with student needs in mind. During the summer of 2021, we held a series of Open Dialogue series with Schulich to better understand their experiences and needs. From this, we developed the Wellness Certificate.  

The learning outcome of the certificate program is to increase students’ capacity to handle uncertain and stressful situations through developing skills in different dimensions of wellness.   

The certificate is also a great item to have on your resume when applying for jobs.  



Please email Student Services with any questions or concerns! 
