Schulich Ranked Top 10 in the World for International Business Research in Leading Journal

The Schulich School of Business was ranked 9th in the world in research published between 2000 and 2020 in the Journal of International Business Studies, the world’s top-rated academic journal in the field of international business, according to a University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) business school research ranking.

The ranking is based on a database created by the UTD’s Naveen Jindal School of Management, which tracks publications in 24 leading business journals across a wide range of major disciplines. The database contains titles and author affiliations of papers published in these journals since 1990. The information in the database is then used to provide global and regional rankings based on the total research contributions of various business school faculties.

Schulich’s Preet Aulakh, the Pierre Lassonde Chair in International Business, and Yigang Pan, Professor of Marketing and International Business, both received Gold Medals in 2019 awarded to scholars with at least 11 substantive articles published in the Journal of International Business Studies during the past 50 years. The awards were given out by the Academy of International Business Executive Board for exceptional past contributions to the journal as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations. Schulich was one of only three schools in the world to have two Gold Medalists.