Schulich Achieves 100% Success Rate on Research Funding

In Tri-Council (SSHRC Insight Grants, CIHR Operating Grants, NSERC Discovery Grants) Research Funding, Schulich has hit a 100% success rate for 2021, securing a total of $1,127,517 in grant income
“Schulich has hit the million dollar mark! This is an outstanding achievement for our School and faculty,” said Dirk Matten, Associate Dean, Research. The perfect success rate is way above the Canadian average success rate of 52%.” Added Schulich Research Officer, Dr Farhana Islam: “Tri-Council grants are one of the best indicators of Canadian excellence as the peer review system is tough and competitive.”
The deserving Schulich faculty winners included:
SSHRC Insight Grants:
- Ming Dong, Associate Professor of Finance
Project: Social Networks, Behavioural Biases and Institutional Investor Trading - Murat Kristal, Associate Professor of Operations Management and Information Systems
Project: Digital Transformation Maturity Index for Financial Institutions - Maxim Voronov, Professor of Organization Studies and Sustainability
Project: Canadian Public Sector’s Response to Covid-19 Pandemic: Conflicting Logics, Emotions and Rhetoric
CIHR – Addressing the Wider Health Impacts of COVID-19 Operating Grant:
- Raha Imanirad (Assistant Professor) and Adam Diamant (Associate Professor), Operations Management and Information Systems
Project: Understanding How COVID-19 has Affected Hospital Performance
We will detail the NSERC Discovery Grants result once NSERC makes a formal announcement.