Master of Management Celebration

On May 17, 2018, Schulich hosted over 190 students, alumni, faculty and staff for the 2018 Master of Management Open House and Alumni Social. The event, in celebration of Schulich’s MMgt program, featured concurrent mini-lectures delivered by Prof. Kiridaran (Giri) Kanagaretnam (Incoming MMgt Program Director, Professor of Accounting) and Prof. Ashwin Joshi (Associate Professor in Marketing; Director, MBA Program) as well as a presentation by David Bell (Executive Director, Development and Alumni Relations).
“I’m very pleased that we were able to bring together past, current, admitted, and prospective students of the MMgt program on this evening to network and to share their stories,” reflected Prof. Kiridaran (Giri) Kanagaretnam. “The Master of Management program provides valuable opportunities for students to develop their problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills and I am eagerly looking forward to welcoming our new class of students to the program this fall.”
In addition to concurrent mini-lectures, the evening featured an Alumni and Current student panel, which featured insights from Schulich alumni and current students, Tiya Mistry (MMgt ’17), Jordyn Posluns (MMgt Candidate ’18), and Noah Severino (MMgt Candidate ’18). Following the panel, guests enjoyed a cocktail networking reception to conclude the evening.
Special thanks to the MMgt class of ’17 who returned to Schulich to share their experiences with current and prospective students.