COVID-19 Dashboard Receives Minister’s Award of Excellence

Schulich professor Murat Kristal has received a Minister’s Award of Excellence from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities. He was recognized for developing an analytics dashboard to provide daily insights into the spread of COVID-19 in countries around the world. This vital information helps policymakers, healthcare administrators and public health officials make evidence-based decisions.
“I was honoured to receive this award. This was a team initiative that was supported by our Deloitte Cognitive Analytics and Visualization Lab,” said Professor Kristal, Director of the Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) Program and the Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence (MMAI) Program.

“Both Hjalmar Turesson, PhD (Deloitte Data Scientist) and David Elsner, MBA (Instructor with the MBAN and MMAI Programs) played an important role in building and developing this dashboard and we should acknowledge their efforts as well.”
The Minister of Colleges and Universities’ Award of Excellence recognizes educators for their dedication to their local community, their students and the broader post-secondary education sector during the COVID-19 pandemic.