Welcome to Your Ineō Orientation

Please note that Ineō Orientation is mandatory for all incoming students. Depending on your program (ie. Domestic/International, Full-Time/Part-Time) different dates and sessions apply for you. Please take careful note below.

NOTE: There are in-person and remote events. Links to remote events will be added the day of the event.  Scroll down to view session details.

Domestic students who are new to Canada are encouraged to attend the International Student Orientation on May 4th.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
8:30AM – 4:00PM EST International Student Orientation

In-Person Location: SSB N109

6:30 – 7:00PM EST MSCM Connect Session

Virtual: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/95234200018

Student Services, Career Development Centre, Alumni Relations

7:00 – 9:00PM EST Program Mixer

Virtual: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/91455690574

MSCM Full-Time & Part-Time Students

Professor David Johnston, Program Director MSCM

Part-Time MSCM students are not required to attend the programming on Thursday, May 5th and Friday, May 6th as you may have work conflicts. However, if you are available to attend, please feel free to join us on  May 5th and 6th as well.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Live Stream Link: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/92425183350

8:30 – 9:00AM EST Registration

In-Person  Location: SSB Main Entrance – Corner of Ian MacDonald Blvd & York Blvd

Check-in at the registration table and receive your name badge and agenda for the day!

9:00 – 9:30AM EST Welcome to Schulich

In-Person  Location: Auditorium

Dean Detlev Zwick, Schulich School of Business

9:30 – 10:25AM EST Alumni Panel

In-Person  Location: Auditorium

MBAN, MSCM, and MAcc Alum – facilitated by Dean Detlev Zwick

10:25 – 11:20AM EST Culture of Integrity

In-Person Location: Auditorium

Student & Enrolment Services 

Friday, May 6, 2022
9:00 – 9:50AM EST Career Kickoff

Virtual: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/91290951201

Career Development Services

9:50 – 10:00AM EST Alumni Relations

Virtual: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/91290951201

Alumni Relations

10:00 – 10:30AM EST Graduate Business Council (GBC) Welcome

Virtual: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/91451484766?pwd=NW9aQnI2Uy9PVFdzMG5mbkVhTFZUdz09

Passcode: 000882

GBC Council

If you are new to Canada please feel free to join our International Student Orientation on May 4th to learn more about Canadian culture in and outside the classroom, transition support, and services available for students at Schulich.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
9:00AM – 4:00PM EST International Student Orientation

In-Person Location: SSB N109

Learning Outcomes Quick Guide:







Supports a sense of capability and provides students with information to be successful academically.

  • Administrative policies & practices
  • Curriculum
  • Academic honesty
  • Academic expectations
  • Prep courses

Supports a sense of connectedness and provides opportunities for students to build social networks.

  • Join student clubs
  • Participate in social events
  • Games/activities

Supports a sense of purpose and encourages goal-setting.

  • Career exploration
  • Professional development
  • Alumni stories
  • Specializations





Supports a sense of resourcefulness and provides resources and the development of interpersonal skills to build confidence.

  • Working in teams
  • Presentation skills
  • Navigating online systems & academic support services

Supports a sense of culture to instill pride and commitment to the school.

  • Identify with clear values
  • Allow for reflection
  • Familiarity with physical space (campus/new building tours)
  • Student code of conduct new building tours)