Theodore Tolias is an economic policy and business consultant and an award-winning instructor at the Schulich School of Business. He has held top leadership positions in business and not-for-profit organizations and has taught and done corporate and public sector consulting internationally. Canadian and International media networks have interviewed Theo extensively on economic policy.
2014 First Place Winner, Seymour Schulich Teaching Excellence Award (Undergraduate Level, Awarded $15,000; Received the rare honour of having two courses voted 1st and 2nd in the top ten)
1999 First Place Winner, Seymour Schulich Teaching Excellence Award (Graduate Level, Awarded $10,000)
1998-2017 Nominated 15 times in the 20-year history of the Seymour Schulich Teaching Excellence Awards
Courses Taught
MBA Courses
The Economic Environment of Business (MBA Core)
Skills for Leadership (MBA Core)
Managing for Value Creation (MBA Core)
Money, Credit, and Macroeconomic Policy (MBA Elective)
Industrial Economics (MBA Elective)
The Economics of Regulation and Deregulation (MBA Elective)
International Business Strategy (MBA Elective)
Regional Analysis - North America (IMBA Elective)
BBA/iBBA Courses
Applied Macroeconomics (BBA Core)
Microeconomics for Managers (iBBA Core)
Introduction to International Business (BBA Elective)