Publications Database

Welcome to the new Schulich Peer-Reviewed Publication Database!

The database is currently in beta-testing and will be updated with more features as time goes on. In the meantime, stakeholders are free to explore our faculty’s numerous works. The left-hand panel affords the ability to search by the following:

  • Faculty Member’s Name;
  • Area of Expertise;
  • Whether the Publication is Open-Access (free for public download);
  • Journal Name; and
  • Date Range.

At present, the database covers publications from 2012 to 2020, but will extend further back in the future. In addition to listing publications, the database includes two types of impact metrics: Altmetrics and Plum. The database will be updated annually with most recent publications from our faculty.

If you have any questions or input, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Search Results

Henriques, I. and Husted, B. (2020). "Designing Better CSR Initiatives", Rutgers Business Review, 5(2), 185-193.

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Abstract Are Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives providing the societal good they promise? After decades of CSR research, it appears to occur only rarely. In this article, we suggest a new approach to CSR that can deliver on its promise. Drawing from the impact evaluation literature of development economics, public policy, and education, we argue that the CSR field should reconceive itself as a science of design in which researchers formulate CSR initiatives that seek to achieve specific social and environmental objectives. In accordance with this pursuit, we provide seven guidelines to enable CSR practitioners to improve the design of their initiatives.

Yeomans, J.S. (2019). "Waste Management Using Multicriteria Population-Based Simulation-Optimization Algorithms", Journal of Waste Management and Disposal, 2(1), 1-8.

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Abstract When resolving waste management (WM) planning problems, it is often preferable to construct a number of quantifiably good alternatives that provide multiple, disparate perspectives. This is because solid waste planning generally involves complicated problems that are riddled with incompatible performance objectives and contain inconsistent design requirements that are very difficult to quantify and capture when supporting decision models must be constructed. These potential alternatives need to satisfy the required system performance criteria and yet be maximally different from each other in the decision space. The approach for creating maximally different sets of solutions is referred to as modelling-to-generate-alternatives (MGA). Simulation-optimization approaches have frequently been employed to solve computationally difficult problems containing the significant stochastic uncertainties in waste management. This paper outlines a multicriteria MGA approach for WM planning that can generate sets of maximally different alternatives for any simulation-optimization method that employs a population-based solution algorithm. This algorithmic approach is computationally efficient because it simultaneously produces the prescribed number of maximally different solution alternatives in a single computational run of the procedure. The efficacy of this stochastic MGA approach for creating alternatives is demonstrated using a “real world” waste management planning case.

Weber, O., & Hogberg-Saunders, G. (2018). "Water Management and Corporate Social Performance in the Food and Beverage Industry", Journal of Cleaner Production, 195, 963-977.

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Abstract The food and beverage industry is one of the most water intensive industries. Therefore, an effective and efficient water management, based on eco-system related indicators, is crucial. This study analyzes the connection between indicators that address sustainable water management as a subgroup of ecosystem management and the general corporate social performance of firms. The study explores which water eco-system indicators are used in the food and beverage industry to assess corporate water risk management. Secondly, we analyzed the relationship between corporate water risk management and overall corporate social performance. Based on an analysis of 61 firms in the food and beverage sector, our results suggest that the most used indicators were Operations' Dependency on Freshwater, Change in Water Supply, Use of Water in the Facilities, Collaboration with Communities, and Water Risks for Agricultural Inputs. Indicators addressing an insideout perspective, such as Impacts on Communities were less often used. Furthermore, we found that the firms' general corporate social performance, measured by MSCI KLD-ESG indicators, is a good predictor for their use of water indicators. We conclude that the firms in the sample follow an outside-in approach for their water management activities and that water management is a significant part of corporate social responsibility activities in the sector because the business performance of food and beverage firms is interwoven with their water management activities.

Kipping, M. and Westerhuis, G. (2014). "The Managerialization of Banking: From Blueprint to Reality", Management & Organizational History, 9(4), 374-393.

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Abstract This paper shows how banks in the USA and Western Europe became more managerial during the late 1960s and 1970s, due to the adoption of a multidivisional organizational structure, originally pioneered by industrial enterprises in the 1920s. This meant the introduction of a more elaborate hierarchy with more autonomy as well as accountability for all levels, including the branches, which were supposed to generate profits through more ‘aggressive’ marketing and selling, while the center exercised control through explicit management tools, including budgeting and planning. As this paper also shows, these changes were actively promoted by consultancies, and in particular McKinsey, which had developed a blueprint of a ‘modern’ banking organization that it subsequently implemented in a large number of banks – a process that this paper illustrates through an in-depth case study of the Dutch Amsterdam-Rotterdam (AMRO) bank. More generally, insights from this paper query an established timeline that links the more aggressive, even reckless behavior of banks with deregulation since the 1980s and also casts some doubt on the notion – often sustained by consultants – that management ideas and practices can easily be transferred from one sector to another.

Kistruck, G., Lount, R., Smith, B. and Sutter, C. (2013). "Mitigating Principal-Agent Problems in Base-of-the-Pyramid Markets: An Identity Spillover Perspective", Academy of Management Journal, 56, 659-682.

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Abstract The potential for profitably distributing products to previously underserved “base-of-the-pyramid” (BOP) markets as a means of poverty alleviation has received growing interest within the management field. However, such business models often struggle with the agency costs that arise between the firm and local sales agents as the institutions and infrastructure in BOP markets make traditional contractual and monitoring mechanisms difficult and expensive to employ. We present the results of two complementary studies which were both conducted with salespeople in rural Guatemala. The first study employed a quasi-experimental field-study combined with in-depth interviews, while the second study was a laboratory experiment. The results of the studies suggest that identity-based mechanisms can potentially mitigate agency costs through a positive identity spillover effect in multiproduct settings.

Kipping, M. and Kirkpatrick, I. (2013). "Alternative Pathways of Change in Professional Service Firms: The Case of Management Consulting", Journal of Management Studies, 50(5), 777-807.

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Abstract This paper contributes to the debate about new organizational forms in professional service firms (PSFs) by suggesting an alternative to extant accounts of how change takes place. To explain the displacement of community forms of organizing by more corporate forms, much of the literature has so far focused on intra‐archetype adaptation and evolutionary processes, looking mainly at established PSFs in law and accounting. Drawing on ideas from the sociology of professions and institutional theory, we suggest that, in more weakly regulated and open professional fields, change might also come from firms entering from the margins or the outside and bringing with them different models of organizing. We explore this possibility through a historical case study of the management consulting field in the UK over a 50 year period, based on a wide range of data sources. Our study shows that despite good intentions at the outset the main professional association was unable and – increasingly – unwilling to restrict entry. This resulted in growing fragmentation of the field through new entrants and, consequently, in greater diversity of organizational forms. Such findings draw attention not only to alternative pathways of change in PSFs, but also to the importance of distinguishing between professional organizational fields more generally.