Publications Database

Welcome to the new Schulich Peer-Reviewed Publication Database!

The database is currently in beta-testing and will be updated with more features as time goes on. In the meantime, stakeholders are free to explore our faculty’s numerous works. The left-hand panel affords the ability to search by the following:

  • Faculty Member’s Name;
  • Area of Expertise;
  • Whether the Publication is Open-Access (free for public download);
  • Journal Name; and
  • Date Range.

At present, the database covers publications from 2012 to 2020, but will extend further back in the future. In addition to listing publications, the database includes two types of impact metrics: Altmetrics and Plum. The database will be updated annually with most recent publications from our faculty.

If you have any questions or input, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Search Results

Avis Devine, Meagan McCollum (2024). "Assessing the Environmental Performance of Green Mortgage-Backed Securities", Journal of Regional Science, 64(4), 1122-1153.

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Abstract The green bond market is growing substantially, bringing with it a focus on economic and environmental performance. Yet while extensive work exists examining the former, there is little concrete evidence regarding the efficacy of green bond use-of-proceeds. Concurrently, the demand for ESG-compliant investments provides an opportunity to direct capital toward the rehabilitation of one of the most energy-intensive asset classes: real estate. One program in this space, the Fannie Mae Green Rewards green bond program, offers incentives to borrowers to increase multifamily building energy and water efficiency. Although all program participants must complete a set of preapproved projects targeting energy and water efficiency within 12 months of loan origination, there exists substantial variation in the realization of postorigination efficiency outcomes, and in the variation between projected and actual efficiency improvements. We find that fixed interest rates and supplemental financing loan structures are associated with postorigination energy efficiency improvements, as are newer, larger, and high-quality assets. However, the ex ante estimates of efficiency savings provided to prospective investors prove unrelated to the efficiency outcomes. These findings highlight opportunities to improve program transparency and calibration across the green bond universe.

Avis Devine, Nils Kok and Chongyu Wang (2023). "Sustainability Disclosure and Financial Performance: The Case of Private and Public Real Estate", The Journal of Portfolio Management, Real Estate, 49(10), 119 – 133.

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Abstract The built environment carries an outsized environmental footprint, and aspects like energy consumption impact the bottom line of commercial real estate (CRE) investors. A large portion of commercial real estate assets are owned and operated by both private equity real estate (PERE) funds and listed property companies (REITs). Therefore, the extent to which these public and private entities integrate sustainability considerations into their investment and operating decisions may impact both the environmental and financial performance for the organizations as well as the environmental performance of the broader market. We provide a comprehensive analysis comparing the sustainability performance of REITs and PERE firms/funds, as well as an analysis of the relationship between sustainability and the financial performance of REITs. Results indicate that private and public CRE entities now seem on par in their integration of sustainability into firm management and policies. However, the performance aspect of sustainability is stronger for REITs. Examining REIT financial performance, results indicate that higher levels of sustainability disclosure are associated with enhanced operating performance and firm valuation, as well as a higher propensity for holding environmentally-certified buildings.

Clayton, J., Devine, A. (2021). "Beyond Environmental Building Certification: The Impact of Environmental Interventions on Commercial Real Estate Operations", Energy Economics, 93, 105039.

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We extend the commonly-studied definition of investment in sustainable and energy efficient real estate beyond environmental building certification to include three additional types of environmentally-focused building interventions: environmentally-focused capital expenditure (capex); monitoring; and, tenant engagement. Appealing to behavioral economics and finance theory, we test for a connection between changes in tenant and property management behavior and electricity consumption. Through a partnership with a global institutional investment manager, this study examines ten years of asset-level operating statement and electricity consumption data in Canadian and U.S. office buildings, measuring both the initial impact of such interventions as well as any adjustments observed over time. Analysis of the proprietary intervention data allows us to better understand the impact of varied environmental interventions on the electricity consumption of commercial real estate. We find that all four intervention categories, including building certification, are associated with decreased electricity consumption, with tenant engagement providing an immediate decrease that is maintained over time. Environmentally-focused capex is also associated with decreased electricity consumption in both Canada and the U.S. Taken together the results indicate that utility consumption and its associated costs are only minimized when multiple environmental interventions are implemented.

Chang, Q. and Devine, A. (2019). "The Financial Benefits to Retail Users of Environmentally Certified Space", Journal of Cleaner Production, 211, 1586-1599.

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Abstract Much research exists measuring income and valuation premiums to owners and operators of environmentally-certified real estate, yet little work examines the financial impact to the space users, outside of decreased utility costs. Such implications for space users are of great importance, as tenant businesses may be unwilling or unable to pay a rental rate premium for environmentally-certified space if there is not an associated user benefit. Under a simple yet rigorous fixed effects model with geographic clustering, we study the relationship between environmentally-certified retail space and location-specific financial performance. Examining retail bank branches, we find that LEED certified spaces are associated with above average deposit levels, while Energy Star-certified branches offer inconsistent results. These results are tested in an event study which validates the findings, and indicates that the benefits of LEED extend years past initial certification, evidencing lasting income-related benefits. Finally, bank- and branch-specific subsample analyses confirm these results while controlling for idiosyncratic characteristics.

Chang, Q. and Devine, A. (2019). "Environmentally-Certified Space and Retail Revenues: A Study of U.S. Bank Branches", Journal of Cleaner Production, 211, 1586-1599.

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Abstract Environmentally-certified Space and Retail Revenues: A Study of U.S. Bank Branches

Bond, S.A. and Devine, A. (2016). "Incentivizing Green Single-Family Construction: Identifying Effective Government Policies and Their Features", Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 52(4), 383-407.

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Abstract For more than a decade, governments have been incentivizing, and now requiring, private developers to construct energy efficient, sustainable projects. We examine the effectiveness of green single-family construction incentive programs. A cross-sectional comparison of municipalities with and without green private residential incentive programs indicates which government levels of policy issuance and which types of certification programs prove most successful, and when those impacts should be expected. Findings indicate that only municipalities experience success with construction-related policies, which may be tailored to their local market’s construction demands. Business-related policies, however, prove effective at all levels of government implementation, with particular success at the state level. Lastly, event studies and multiyear window data indicates that green incentive policies elicit the greatest change 2 to 3 years after their implementation.

Bond, S.A and Devine, A. (2016). "Certification Matters: Is Green Talk Cheap Talk?", Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 52(2), 117-140.

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Abstract There is an active and growing literature examining the rental rate, sales price, and occupancy premiums associated with sustainable or energy efficient certified real estate. To date, the focus has rested largely on office properties and for sale single family residential properties. We examine the rental rates achieved by green multifamily properties, providing the first look at the population of LEED market-rate apartments in the United States. We find an approximate 8.9 % rental rate premium associated with LEED apartments. Moreover, this research provides the first indication that LEED certification garners an additional premium over non-certified space that identifies as green, indicating the strength of the certification signal and contributing to the longstanding discussion on the merits of certification.