Publications Database

Welcome to the new Schulich Peer-Reviewed Publication Database!

The database is currently in beta-testing and will be updated with more features as time goes on. In the meantime, stakeholders are free to explore our faculty’s numerous works. The left-hand panel affords the ability to search by the following:

  • Faculty Member’s Name;
  • Area of Expertise;
  • Whether the Publication is Open-Access (free for public download);
  • Journal Name; and
  • Date Range.

At present, the database covers publications from 2012 to 2020, but will extend further back in the future. In addition to listing publications, the database includes two types of impact metrics: Altmetrics and Plum. The database will be updated annually with most recent publications from our faculty.

If you have any questions or input, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Search Results

Restubog, S., Schilpzand, P., Lyons, B.J., Deen, C., & He, Y. (2024). "Challenging Organizational Research Theory and Findings: A Commentary on the Neglected Focus on Vulnerable Workers", Journal of Vocational Behavior, 152, 104010.

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Abstract In this commentary, we argue that studying vulnerable workers can challenge the established norms of organizational research, which mostly focuses on non-vulnerable employees. We highlight the significant differences in the experiences of vulnerable workers, which profoundly impact their professional lives, and often defy current organizational theories and research findings. Additionally, we explore how traditional beliefs in recruitment and selection, career development, organizational support, and identity management research may not apply well to vulnerable workers due to their unique challenges. We strongly advocate for a shift in the fundamental assumptions and paradigms of organizational scholarship to better accommodate and accurately represent the perspectives of this often-overlooked workforce.

Restubog, S., Schilpzand, P., Lyons, B.J., Deen, C., & He, Y. (2023). "The Vulnerable Workforce: A Call for Research", Journal of Management, 49 (7), 2199-2207.

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Abstract In this commentary, we argue that the work experiences of vulnerable workers merit scholarly attention. We elaborate on the concept of vulnerability in light of the person and context interaction. Additionally, we offer compelling reasons to highlight the significance of research on vulnerable workers in the realm of management research. Finally, we outline some of the challenges researchers face when studying this special population and suggest practical solutions to overcome methodological and logistical challenges towards developing and conducting research on the vulnerable workforce.

Lyons, B., Lindsay, S., Rezai, M. and Shen, W. (2020). "A Disability Disclosure Simulation as an Educational Tool", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal.

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Abstract Purpose: Many employers struggle with how to have a disability disclosure discussion with their employees and job candidates. The primary purpose of this study was to identify issues relevant to disability disclosure discussions. In addition, we explored how simulations, as an educational tool, may help employers and managers. Originality/value: Developing a simulation on disability disclosure discussions is a novel approach to educating employers and managers that has the potential to help enhance diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Further, the process that we followed can be used as a model for other researchers seeking to develop educational training scenarios on sensitive diversity and inclusion topics. Design/methodology/approach: Seven participants (four employers and three human resource professionals) took part in this study. We used a qualitative design that involved two focus group discussions to understand participants' experiences of building a simulation training scenario that focused on how to have a disability disclosure discussion. The simulation sessions were audio-recorded and analyzed using an open-coding thematic approach. Findings: Four main themes emerged from our analysis. Three themes focused on issues that participants identified as relevant to the disability disclosure process, including: (1) creating a comfortable and safe space for employees to disclose, (2) how to ask employees or job candidates about disability and (3) how to respond to employees disability disclosure. A fourth theme focused on how simulations could be relevant as an educational tool.

Cagliostro, E., Leck, J., Lindsay, S., Shen, W. and Stinson, J. (2019). "Disability Disclosure and Workplace Accommodations Among Youth with Disabilities", Disability and Rehabilitation, 41, 1914-1924.

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Abstract Purpose: Many youths with disabilities find it challenging to disclose their medical condition and request workplace accommodations. Our objective was to explore when and how young people with disabilities disclose their condition and request workplace accommodations. Methods: We conducted 17 in-depth interviews (11 females, six males) with youth with disabilities aged 15–34 (mean age 26). We analyzed our data using an interpretive, qualitative, and thematic approach. Results: Our results showed the timing of when youth disclosed their disability to their employer depended on disability type and severity, comfort level, type of job, and industry. Youth’s strategies and reasons for disclosure included advocating for their needs, being knowledgeable about workplace rights, and accommodation solutions. Facilitators for disclosure included job preparation, self-confidence, and self-advocacy skills, and having an inclusive work environment. Challenges to disability disclosure included the fear of stigma and discrimination, lack of employer’s knowledge about disability and accommodations, negative past experiences of disclosing, and not disclosing on your own terms. Conclusions: Our findings highlight that youth encounter several challenges and barriers to disclosing their condition and requesting workplace accommodations. The timing and process for disclosing is complex and further work is needed to help support youth with disclosing their condition.

Cagliostro, E., Leck, J., Lindsay, S., Shen, W. and Stinson, J. (2019). "A Framework for Developing Employer’s Disability Confidence", Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38, 40-55.

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Abstract Purpose: Many employers lack disability confidence regarding how to include people with disabilities in the workforce, which can lead to stigma and discrimination. The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of disability confidence from two perspectives, employers who hire people with a disability and employees with a disability. Design/methodology/approach: A qualitative thematic analysis was conducted using 35 semi-structured interviews (18 employers who hire people with disabilities; 17 employees with a disability). Findings: Themes included the following categories: disability discomfort (i.e. lack of experience, stigma and discrimination); reaching beyond comfort zone (i.e. disability awareness training, business case, shared lived experiences); broadened perspectives (i.e. challenging stigma and stereotypes, minimizing bias and focusing on abilities); and disability confidence (i.e. supportive and inclusive culture and leading and modeling social change). The results highlight that disability confidence among employers is critical for enhancing the social inclusion of people with disabilities. Originality/value: The study addresses an important gap in the literature by developing a better understanding of the concept of disability from the perspectives of employers who hire people with disabilities and also employees with a disability.

Auster, E.R. and Prasad, A. (2016). "Why Do Women Still Not Make It to the Top? Dominant Organizational Ideologies and Biases by Promotion Committees Limit Opportunities to Destination Positions", Sex Roles, 75(5), 177-196.

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Abstract Prior studies have made important strides in understanding the drivers of gender bias facing women at the top. Yet, relatively little is known about the intra-organizational power dynamics of how and why these patterns still persist despite a plethora of initiatives to redress the phenomenon over the last several decades. This paper develops an intra-organizational power perspective on the dynamics of promotion bias to destination positions. We propose that social dominance emerges as social categorization based on a candidate’s visible and invisible markers leads to distorted perceptions and stereotyping which, when combined with group favoritism and conformity pressures within committee practices, engender the perceived degree of ideological asymmetry between the candidate and the organization. It is the magnitude of the perceived degree of ideological asymmetry that drives promotion bias. This bias has potent effects on the institutionalization of power over time. Our perspective ultimately offers new insights into the role of dominant organizational ideology and dynamics of biases that continue to limit promotion opportunities of women to destination positions.