• Recruit Students with Analytics & AI Expertise

    Dear Alumni,

    I hope you and your families are doing well and keeping safe. I am seeking your help to support our current 2020 Master graduates.

    As you know, education like many other industries is being disrupted. We have had to pivot by delivering some of our courses online to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and faculty. As a result, we were unable to host networking and recruitment events like we have done in the past.

    I want to ensure that our graduating students get the quality of professional attention and recruitment opportunities that Schulich is known to deliver.

    I would like to invite you to join a private Alumni Networking Event that we are designing to stimulate recruitment and support for the graduating Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence cohort.

    If you work with an employer that would benefit from AI or Analytics expertise, especially during this time, and are currently recruiting we would like to include you in this private event.

    It will be a virtual event on August 19th at 1:00 pm (EDT). Selected Alumni will meet students in small breakout groups to discuss the role they are hiring for and to engage personally with the students. Our intention is to provide quality career opportunities to our students and to provide quality talent and recruitment opportunities for companies.

    If you are currently looking to hire AI or Analytics positions and would like to participate please RSVP below.

    Thank you for all your support. and I look forward to meeting you on August 19th


    Murat Kristal
    Professor of Operations Management and Information Systems;
    Director, Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) Program;
    Director, Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence (MMAI) Program
    Schulich School of Business

    Thank you for your interest in this event, we have reached our capacity.  Please contact Neelam Verma, Assistant Director, Strategic Partnerships at nverma@schulich.yorku.ca for more information.