
Dear Magda,

Thirty years! Yours has been a truly remarkable run.

You have been one of the most important people in making sure that Schulich’s bright shiny exterior was supported and matched by how our ‘inside’ was put together and worked. That wasn’t easy, at all. And it wasn’t limelight work most of the time, but it was absolutely crucial to the effectiveness and integrity of the School … and you did it exceptionally well. All of us who have cared about the School over the years are in your debt.

On a personal level, I have truly valued your friendship, your helpfulness and especially the mutual trust that we shared when I was on active duty as ADA. And I really will miss not having a gathering for you where we could all share ‘Remember when …’ stories … there certainly is no shortage of material! I wish you and Doug all the best as ‘some day’ becomes ‘now.’

David Dimick