Lidia’s Guestbook Submissions
Filomena Ticzon
Remembering Lidia Serras in thought and prayer!
A beloved wife's love is forever.
A Mother's love is forever.
She is with you in heart, she is with you in mind, she is with you in memories. You will always have her smile, her dreams for your life.
Daniel, Hanna and Miguel, we are so very sorry for your loss.
Lidia sera lembrada por seu amor pela vida para sempre.
Filomena M.O. Ticzon
Farrokh Zandi
I had the pleasure of knowing and working with Lidia who was a phenomenal colleague. Lidia will be sadly missed.
My heartfelt condolences.
Michelle Machado
My heartfelt and deepest condolences to you and your family on Lidia's passing. May your memories of her carry and comfort you through these painful times.
"Those we love don't go away, they walk besides us everyday"..
Neelam Verma
My deepest condolences to Lidia's family. I felt honored to work with Lidia, a beautiful, vibrant soul. May her soul rest in peace.
David Johnston
I worked with Lidia at Schulich to find the best students to build the Master of Supply Chain Management program. As program director I valued her fierce advocacy of applicants, always emphasizing looking at the whole person and not just their grades and resume items. I believe that was how she viewed everyone she dealt with. Fully and completely. And, that made her friends and earned her the respect of her colleagues. My condolences to her family, friends and colleagues. I will miss her.
Minerva Cernea
Lidia will be deeply missed. She was such a lovely person, friendly and dedicated, always ready to help. A great loss.
Jane-Michele Clark
A big heart, a quick laugh and lots of energy. Lidia will be missed. My condolences to her immediate family and all in her extended Schulich family, too.
Solange Santos
Rest in peace my dear friend! I am at lost of words. To Daniel, Hanna, Miguel, and to all of her friends and colleagues, my deepest condolences.
ana leao
I met Lidia in Mozambique and our friendship evolved so naturally I don't really remember how we first met. I remember though her vibrancy, her bright eyes, that smile of hers equal to none, her joy in life, her compassion, and her happiness with Daniel and the kids. This picture of her when Hannah was a baby shows that happiness and that smile.
Nathan Corr
Lidia, Daniel, Miguel, and Hanna, the four of you are the best neighbours Kailey and I could ask for, and we are so very grateful you moved next door all those years ago. I regret letting the events of this past year steal time we would have spent together with you in the backyard, at concerts, at house dinners. Lidia, I still can't believe you're gone - it's like you're just off on another trip. My last memory of you is soaking up the very last rays of the fall sunlight, book in hand and a satisfied smile on your face. Hanna, Miguel, and Daniel, we are always just a doorbell away. I can't wait until we can share a bottle of port and grill another picanha together.
Aloma Gravel
Lidia's energy, zest for life, and the wonderful way she connected with people will be missed. She had a unique ability to make you personally feel special. My sincere condolences to the family.
Filipa Valente
Queridos Daniel, Hanna e Miguel:
o último momento partilhado que tive com a Lídia, e convosco Hanna e Miguel (é natural que não se lembrem), foi em 2016, na melhor visita relâmpago que fiz a uma cidade nova, por altura do Thanksgiving Day. Fui recebida como sendo da família: cheguei pela hora de almoço e fui recebida com o caloroso sorriso genuíno da Lídia, levou-me para almoço e a passear pelo centro de Toronto, tive o grato privilégio de jantar com os três e pernoitar em vossa casa, para sair de madrugada para o aeroporto (obrigada uma vez mais por me terem recebido tão bem; a si também, Daniel, embora não tenhamos a oportunidade de nos conhecer em pessoa nessa altura).
Como um relâmpago nos carrega com a energia e o carinho de quem nos recebe de coração aberto. Essa é a querida Lídia que permanecerá em mim, a inspirar-me com a sua sinceridade, pragmatismo e melhor solução possível nas encruzilhadas da vida.
Obrigada, Daniel, Hanna e Miguel, por me possibilitarem partilhar este momentos singelos que nos unem como humanos e darmos continuidade aos sentimentos e à existência da Lídia nas nossas vidas por aqui.
Desejo a cada um de vós muita força neste tempos e muito amor em cada dia.
Hussein Abdul Sater
Dear Lidia’s Family and Colleagues, my name is Hussein Abdul Sater I am from Lebanon. I had the chance to know Lidia briefly during my interview for SSB MMKG program. On a personal note, Lidia showed me high compassion and kindness by accepting my admissions deferral request following Beirut’s explosion, knowing that the deadline had already passed. Lidia’s understanding, generosity and humane approach gave me a second chance amidst the uncertainty we are surrounded by. I am certain she had touched many souls and left her fingerprint wherever she went. My deepest condolences to you all.
May God bless her soul and may she rest in eternal peace.