Schulich Takes 2nd Place at Ethical Leadership Case Competition
Last month a team of Schulich School of Business undergraduate students won second place to take home $3000 in the first ever Ted Rogers Ethical Leadership Case Competition.
Out of the nine qualifying teams members, Schulich students Vasiliki Belegrinis, Amal Naufer, Joseph Truong and Akash Sidhu made it to the final round and finished second overall.
The competition challenged students to think of outside of the box solutions for how to deal with potential unethical behavior. The case for the competition featured an instance of bribery in East Africa and pushed students to think of local and global implications. Competing teams came from across Canada and each provided a unique outlook on the situation.
“TRELCC was an enriching experience,” says Akash Sidhu, 2017 BBA candidate. “Our team could not have come this far without the support from Jane-Michele Clark and her incredible coaching throughout the process.”
“Our most valuable take-away is understanding how important maintaining ethics and accountability is in the global context.”
Congratulations Vasiliki, Amal, Joseph and Akash!