Schulich student adds Syrian voice to Degrassi
In the world of television, Canada is known for the ground-breaking drama franchise Degrassi. From sexting to cyberbullying, the fifth and current series Degrassi: Next Class, continues to depict teenage life as it truly is. Season 3 of Next Class saw the introduction of two Syrian students arriving at the fictional high school in Toronto – one portrayed by Schulich’s own Parham Rownaghi (BBA 2019 candidate).
“My priority was to capture what my character Saad Al’Maliki goes through because his storyline depicts situations that middle eastern and Muslim people face on a daily basis,” Rownaghi said.
Degrassi usually films in the summer, which allows Rownaghi to focus on his studies during the school year.
“At Schulich I could be surrounded by great business minds from all over the world all pushing me to be just as good as them,” says Rownaghi. “The world of show business lacks young actors with business abilities and I believed attending Schulich was a way I could differentiate myself while also providing myself with a competitive advantage.”