Schulich MBA/JD Candidate Awarded Capital Markets Scholarship

MBA/JD candidate Dajena Collaku was recently awarded the Women in Capital Markets Heather L. Main Memorial Scholarship.
Established since 1998, this scholarship has given qualified women, participating a full-time 2-year MBA or joint MBA/LL.B program, the opportunity to pursue careers in the Canadian capital markets.
The scholarship includes:
- a paid summer internship in the Capital Markets at a major financial institution
- mentoring during internship and final year of studies
- one year complimentary membership with WCM
- a women’s leadership training program prior to the internship
This year two Schulich School of Business students were awarded this prestigious honour. Sakshi Kanda and Dajena Collaku were selected based on their interest in Capital Markets in addition to their academic excellence, community involvement, and leadership capabilities.
Below, Dajena speaks about her student experience, upcoming internship and thoughts about powerful women in business
1. Tell me a bit about how you developed an interest in the capital markets.
In high school, I took an elective course on economics and the timing coincided perfectly with the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Having a class that directly explained the world outside its doors, especially during such a turbulent time for the capital markets, was an inspiring experience! The capital markets create immense societal value as they provide organizations with access to financial resources crucial to their growth and to their ability to supply the innovative goods and services we all enjoy. This, in turn, could lead to positive side effects like higher employment, technological advancements or a stronger economy. Intrigued by these intricate relationships, I always strived to understand the multifaceted nature of the capital markets by pursuing a wide range of courses in finance, economics and law.
2. The Heather L. Main Scholarship honours trailblazing business women. What does it mean to you to have been awarded this recognition?
It’s a great honour, for sure, to be awarded this recognition, and I aspire to match the tremendous accomplishments of my predecessors. I sincerely thank the founders and sponsors of the Heather L. Main Scholarship for providing me with this incredible opportunity to jump-start my career in the capital markets and to achieve my long-term goals.
3. Where will you intern this year? What are you looking forward to about your internship?
I am so happy to be joining the Investment and Corporate Banking group at BMO Capital Markets for my internship. I am looking forward to an exciting and challenging summer working alongside (and learning from) incredibly talented and driven individuals.
4. What brought you to Schulich and how would you characterize your student experience here so far?
Having completed my iBBA at Schulich, I saw great value in the joint JD/MBA program offered by Schulich and Osgoode. After 7 years at the school (8 upon my graduation), I’d say I’ve experienced it all – the good and the bad. I’ve had some unforgettable experiences, made lifelong friends and had the pleasure of working with amazing people and learning from some of the best professors. And if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing.
5. If you could give a piece of advice to other women thinking of pursuing a business education and/or career in capital markets, what might that be?
As one of my dearest professors often says: “80% of life is showing up.” Seize every opportunity that comes your way (even if you think nothing will come of it) to network, attend events – and apply for innovative scholarships – because you just never know. And more importantly, don’t ever convince yourself that you’re not good enough for something or have no chance at achieving it.