Kellogg-Schulich EMBA Program Ranked #1 in Canada
The Financial Times of London today ranked the Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA #1 in Canada.
The Kellogg-Schulich EMBA program was ranked 37th globally and placed 12th among programs based in North America in this year’s Financial Times ranking. The 2023 Financial Times ranking marks the 15th time that the Kellogg-Schulich EMBA program has been ranked #1 in Canada.
The Kellogg-Schulich EMBA also ranked among the top 20 in the world in the following categories:
- 3rd in the world in Career Progress
- 14th in the world in the International Course Experience category
- 16th in the world in the Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) category, which measures the proportion of core courses dedicated to ethical, social and environmental issues
- 18th in the world in the Research category
“We’re delighted to have once again been ranked the #1 EMBA program in Canada and one of the top programs globally in what is widely regarded as the world’s pre-eminent EMBA ranking,” said Schulich Dean Detlev Zwick.
For complete details regarding the 2023 Financial Times EMBA ranking, please visit: