Rini Hariyani, MMKG 24′, India

Basic Information
- Name: Rini Hariyani
- Program and year: Master of Marketing, 2024
- Nationality: India
- Previous education background: NMIMS University, Major in Engineering and Business
- Previous company and role: Senior Research Analyst, NielsenIQ
Interview Questions
1. Tell us about yourself.
Hi! I’m Rini, and I studied both engineering and business, so I know a bit about tech and how things work in the business world. I’ve lived in different parts of India, but Mumbai is like my hometown. When I’m not busy with work, I enjoy drawing, watching Bollywood movies, and listening to Bollywood songs. Fun fact: I’m a certified PADI Scuba Diver, which means I love exploring underwater!
- Why did you decide to pursue an Master program at this point of your career?
Following my undergrad, I entered the market research industry, where my fascination with the strategic facets of marketing grew. I aim to carve out a career in this specific field of marketing, and I believe that this master’s program will equip me with the skills needed to achieve that goal.
- Why Schulich?
I was absolutely certain about pursuing marketing, and when it comes to Marketing in Canada, the first name that pops up is Schulich. It’s widely renowned for its excellence in marketing!
- What word or phrase describes your Schulich experience so far?
Work hard, party harder 😉 The one-year Master’s journey is undeniably intense, packed with valuable lessons and a sense of fulfillment. The reading weeks and well-spaced assignments provide those much-needed breaks.
- What have you enjoyed the most about Schulich’s Master program?
As demanding as the projects may be, they offer an incredibly enriching experience. In one of my subjects, “New Products,” my team and I had the opportunity to grasp the intricacies of launching a new product in the market. What made it exceptional was the incremental approach to the project – each week, we applied what we learned in class to different phases. When we finally presented our product prototype to the professor and the class, the positive response was truly heartening; everyone loved it!
- What is your plan after graduation and how has Schulich helped with that?
I aspire to work in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry, and I find that the diverse array of optional subjects is instrumental in enhancing my skill set. Moreover, the presence of companies from the industry, with their employees interacting directly with us, offers a valuable opportunity to build connections and gain insights about the industry firsthand.
- What would you like prospective students to know about Schulich’s Master program?
The atmosphere here is incredibly welcoming and help will always be given to those who ask for it.
- What advice do you have for someone who considers pursuing a Master program at Schulich?
I would advise everyone to step out of their comfort zones and explore new things. There are so many activities and opportunities to seize, so why not try them all and discover what you truly enjoy?
It’s essential not to forget to have some fun along the way!