Julian Scott Yeomans

Julian is a Professor of Operations Management & Information Systems and the Program Director for both the Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence (MMAI) and the Master of Business Analytics (MBAN). He holds degrees in management science/information systems, environmental engineering, business, and statistics. He generally teaches courses on VBA programming and spreadsheet-based decision support systems. His research program has produced 6 books and more than 140 journal articles. This research is currently funded by an NSERC Civil, Industrial, and Systems Engineering Discovery Grant (2022-2027) and supported by a Schulich Research Excellence Fellowship (2024-27).

In collaboration with Mariia Kozlova from LUT University in Finland, Julian has created simulation-decomposition (SimDec) – the pre-eminent technique for conducting applied, “real world” sensitivity analysis. SimDec combines visual uncertainty analytics with a groundbreaking computational method for quantifying factor impacts. Recent studies have examined small modular nuclear reactors, 3D printing in construction, agricultural food-water-energy systems, aviation electrification, and superconducting magnets at CERN.

To promote the widest adoption and penetration of SimDec as possible, a downloadable free-of-charge electronic book, together with open-source computer code in Python, Julia, R, and Matlab and a “no-code-required” web dashboard, have been made freely available. For a low-tech introduction to SimDec read Julian’s recent interview in the Schulich Research Newsletter.