Matt Bamber
Matt is an Associate Professor of Accounting. He originally trained as a Chartered Accountant (ICAEW; FCA), gaining practical experience in audit and corporate finance in the UK and the US. In 2004, he made the transition from practice to higher education. Before joining Schulich School of Business in 2018, Matt held appointments at the Universities of Bristol (UK) and University of Toronto (Canada). Matt’s current research sub-divides into two branches. First, he is interested in the sociology of financial reporting, drawing on theories of performance, identity, and surveillance. Second, Matt’s work focuses on improving awareness of the challenges facing workers who are marginalized, stigmatized, and overlooked. His particular focus is on investor-manager interactions, and specifically Question and Answer sessions. He has published his work in a number of high ranked academic journals including Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, Work, Employment and Society, and Human Relations.