Internal and University Funding Opportunities
York Research Chairs
The York Research Chairs program is envisioned as York University’s internal counterpart for the national Canada Research Chairs (CRC) program and recognizes outstanding researchers at York. The YRC program offers both “Tier 1” and “Tier 2” chairs. In the case of Tier 2, there are two levels of chair.
Submissions for a YRC can only be made by the faculty (not by individual faculty). Schulich can submit up to two nominations in total — nominations can be any combinations of Tier 1, Tier 2, and/or Early career Tier 2. We encourage participation and representation from persons in the federally recognized Four Designated Groups (FDGs), which include women, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities and racialized scholars, and members of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.
Note that Schulich holds an internal adjudication in advance of the VPRI deadline.
The internal nomination package due on August 18, 2023 includes:
- CV (any format – CCV not recommended);
- NOI form (includes a 200-word description of research accomplishments of the nominee; four names of potential external reviewers (not in a conflict of interesr); and an option to update your self-identification);
- A letter from a colleague (internal or external), highlighting the relevant achievement of the applicant. Please note this letter should help the multidisciplinary research committee recognize any discipline-specific achievement and impact.
- A self-identification form (for Schulich only)
All submissions will be forwarded to Schulich’s internal research committee. The committee will adjudicate the files for the competition while abiding by University guidelines relating to excellence in research, contributions to research leadership, EDI, and accountability — and it is the applicant’s responsibility to present the accomplishments and the CV in a way that the committee can evaluate the accomplishments relative to others. The committee will then forward a ranked recommendation or shortlist based on the evaluation of the internal nomination package to the Dean with an accompanying statement of the rationale for the selection. Dependent on the files submitted by the Research Committee, the Dean will then submit those NOI documents to the VPRI’s office.
Deadlines to remember:
- Schulich ADRO (Associate Dean Research Office) Deadlines:
- August 18, 2023, NOI and Internal Nomination Package
- November 1, 2023, Full Nomination Package
- VPRI Deadlines (submissions can only be made by the Dean on behalf of the faculty — not by individual faculty members):
- September 29, 2023, NOI Submission to VPRI
- December 1, 2023, Full Nomination Submission to VPRI
- Schulich ADRO (Associate Dean Research Office) Deadlines:
Relevant documents:
For further information about the Schulich process and support, please contact Schulich Research Officer, Dr. Farhana Islam,
Schulich Funding
Schulich Conference Travel Fund
Objective: Conference travel funds are awarded to full-time tenure-stream faculty members to offset the cost of travel to conferences for research purposes only.
Value: Faculty members may apply for up to $1,500 per fiscal year. Funds are granted to eligible faculty for the fiscal year starting May to April of the following year. All eligible requests will be met, subject to the availability of funds.
Deadline: No application deadline
Schulich Junior Faculty Fund
Objective: These funds are available to provide junior faculty members with small research grants to support their general research program.
Deadline: Nov 1 (annual basis). If the deadline falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or statutory holiday, applications will be accepted on the next working day.
Schulich Journal Submission Fee Fund
Objective: These funds are generally available to faculty who are unable to cover costs related to the journal submission process.
Deadline: Funds are granted to eligible faculty for the fiscal year starting May to April of the following year.
Schulich Research Excellence Fellow Program
Objective: The establishment of the new Schulich Research Excellence Fellow is a means of retaining, incentivizing, and recognizing non-chaired tenured faculty members who are achieving research excellence within the parameters of the Schulich’s scholarly plans, mission, and strategy. A fellowship in Research Excellence is intended to free up research time, and thus enhance the holder’s research productivity.
Duration: Three-year term, renewable.
Value: The Fellows will receive 1 course release per year. The releases from teaching must be taken each year during three-year period of the award.
Deadline: Annual Basis.
This honour demands sustained volume-at-quality (VAQ) and therefore, to qualify for automatic enrollment, faculty will need to hold a defined rate of productivity in accordance with a publicly released point-system that reflects Schulich’s ranking and accreditation standards. To streamline the process on an annual basis, we will use official faculty websites to calculate the point composition. Thus, the responsibility is on the faculty, should they wish to be considered for this competition, to keep their bios and CVs up to date (CVs must be updated by December 31st).
Contact for all Schulich Funding: Dr. Farhana Islam
York University Funding
Funding for Indigenous Scholarly Events and Outreach Activities
Deadlines: January 1, April 1, July 1 and September 1
*If a deadline falls on a holiday or a weekend the deadline will move to the day after the holiday or weekend. Please submit a completed application no later than 6 weeks before the event is scheduled to take place.
Objective: The Office of the VPRI offers funding to support scholarly events or outreach activities that address Indigenous priorities and needs, strengthen York’s Indigenous research culture and build the profile and reputation of sound Indigenous-focused research at York University. Priority will be given to proposals from Indigenous applicants.
*NEW*: VPRI is also accepting applications for outreach and engagement activities that connect academic researchers and students with non-academic audiences (industry, governments, community and non-profit organizations, schools, the public). These funds will be capped at $1,000 with 20 awards available in each year evenly spread over four competitions/year.
Value: Successful applicants can normally expect funding in the range of $500-$1,500 depending on the level of demand across the University and the scope of the activity.
Duration: All funds that are unused 12 months following the award decision must be returned to the Office of the VPRI.
Application guidelines can be found here.
Contact: Alyson Nemeth
Funding for Scholarly Events and Outreach Activities
Deadlines: January 1, April 1, July 1 and September 1
Objective: The Office of the VPRI offers seed funding to support events or outreach activities that strengthen the research culture and build the profile and reputation of research at York University.
*NEW*: VPRI is also accepting applications for outreach and engagement activities that connect academic researchers and students with non-academic audiences (industry, governments, community and non-profit organizations, schools, the public). These funds will be capped at $1,000 with 20 awards available in each year evenly spread over four competitions/year.
Value: Successful applicants can normally expect funding in the range of $500-$1,500 depending on the level of demand across the University and the scope of the activity.
Duration: All funds that are unused 12 months following the award decision must be returned to the Office of the VPRI.
Contact: Alyson Nemeth
Application guidelines can be found here.
Mariano A. Elia Research Fund
Deadlines: November 1 and March 1
Objective: To support small-scale research projects where a significant contribution to Italian-Canadian studies will be made and the prestige of the university enhanced. Eligible expenses include research costs and travel to conferences.
Value: Not specifically stated. “Limited resources do not allow support for major projects.”
Duration: Not stated.
Contact: Michelle Galloro
Specific Research Grants
Deadlines: May 1 and November 1
Objective: The program permits, under certain conditions, a researcher to receive a research grant in lieu of salary through a mechanism which includes peer review. The purpose and objects of the expenditures proposed must be warranted in the context of the research outlined and may not be duplicated in any other grants received by the researcher. The grant may be used for all the purposes of a grant-in-aid of research, but not to supplement income of the principal researcher.
Contact: Mala Thakoor
SSHRC Explore Grant
Deadlines: October 31 and March 31
Objective: To provide support to full time faculty, professional librarians and current Postdoctoral Fellows for small scale projects.
Value: Up to $7,000
Duration: One year
Contact: Denise Jagdeosingh-Martinez
SSHRC Exchange – Conference Grant
Deadlines: February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1
Objective: To provide assistance for attendance at national and international scholarly conferences for which the applicant is giving a paper, making a poster presentation, or featured at a solo or 2 persons opening of an exhibition, a principal screening, premier performance of dance, theatre or musical production.
Value: Generally, up to a minimum APEX or Charter Class airfare
Duration: Varies dependent on conference dates.
Contact: Denise Jagdeosingh-Martinez
SSHRC Exchange KMb Grant
Deadlines: October 31 and March 31
Objective: To provide support to full time faculty, professional librarians, and current Postdoctoral Fellows for small-scale knowledge mobilization activities such as stakeholder consultations, policy briefs, publication subventions, workshops, etc.
Value: Up to $7,000
Duration: One year
Contact: Denise Jagdeosingh-Martinez
York Indigenous Incentive Grant
Deadlines: Rolling, applications can be submitted at any time
Objective: To provide support for the development of research grant applications, related to Indigenous priorities and needs, to external sources as articulated in our Strategic Research Plan (SRP). Its main purpose will be to defray costs associated with applications for standard programs of research (including but not limited to NSERC Discovery, CIHR, SSHRC Connection Grants, SSHRC Insight and Insight Development Grants, and SSHRC Partnership Development Grants). While the scale of initiatives supported may vary according to discipline, all proposals must clearly demonstrate the intended external source of support.
Value: Up to $3,000.
Duration: Not stated
Contact: Denise Jagdeosingh-Martinez
York Incentive Grant
Deadlines: Rolling, applications can be submitted at any time
Objective: To provide support to defray costs that are essential to the preparation of a successful grant application, such as those associated with assembling collaboration teams (involving two or more Faculties). It is intended to assist larger-scale initiatives in the quest for external funding. These grants are not awarded to support the preparation of applications for the standard programs of research support (e.g., NSERC Discovery, SSHRC Connections Grants, and SSHRC Insight and Insight Development Grants). Applications will be considered in support of the development of larger-scale tri-council applications.
Value: Up to $6,000.
Duration: Eighteen months
Contact: Denise Jagdeosingh-Martinez