External Grant Opportunities

Helping you succeed: The Schulich School of Business Research Support Office is committed to helping our researchers identify, develop and secure funding opportunities. The Research Officer, Farhana Islam is available to offer support by providing feedback on proposals, developing budgets, advice relating to competition guidelines, and coordinate grant submissions to the Office of Research Services (ORS). Select external funding opportunities and internal opportunities administered by ORS are posted on the Research section of the YULink site.
Contact us: We strongly encourage new faculty to set up an appointment with our office to discuss how we can enhance your research and creative scholarship, and act as a resource for your research program.

Tri-Council Links:

SSHRC: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

NSERC: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada

CIHR: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Federal Research Agencies:

CFI: Canada Foundation for Innovation

IOF: Infrastructure Operating Fund

CRC: Canada Research Chairs

PSPC: Public Services and Procurement Canada (formerly Public Works and Government Services Canada)

NRC: National Research Council Canada

MITACS: Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex systems

NCE: Networks of Centres of Excellence

Provincial Research Agencies:

Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation

OCE: Ontario Centres of Excellence

International/Foreign Research Agencies:

DFATD: Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development