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RSS FeedMaster of Marketing Students Place Third in L’Oréal Brandstorm Competition
Our two student teams represented Schulich and put their business analysis, creativity, and presentation skills to the test at the National Finals of the L’Oreal Brandstorm competition this week. The competition took place at the L’Oréal head office in Montreal. Students presented to a panel of judges that included Frank Kollmar, President and CEO of […]
Posted onUndergrad Case Teams Wins Big
After a spectacular week with the JDCC and MBA Games teams scoring 2nd place overall in their respective competitions, Schulich’s Undergraduate Case Competition team won 2nd and 3rd place in University of Toronto’s Live Case Competition last week. Live Competition brings together students across the country to compete in multidisciplinary case rounds (i.e. finance, marketing, […]
Posted onCategory Manager by Day, Comedian by Night
Schulich has fostered and developed a strong sense of community and diversity which has become home to a lot of interesting talents such as Christopher Lee (BBA 16’). Having worked at companies such as Scotiabank, Procter and Gamble and now the Labatt Breweries of Canada, Chris’ experience spans a variety of industries and roles. Now […]
Posted onSchulich Startup Night Attracts 300 Attendees
The 12th edition of Schulich Startup Night (SSN) attracted nearly 300 students, alumni and industry professionals yesterday. This bi-annual event gives students and alumni an opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel of top industry professionals for a chance to win a $5000 cash prize. Chris Carder, Schulich Entrepreneur-in-Residence and Schulich Startup Night […]
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