Zhengwen Sun
Prior to joining the MREI program, Zhengwen started his professional career as a Business Analyst at Alberta Health Services, where he created a master database that reconciles inventory and transactional data across nine legacy health systems. Then he joined MNP’s property tax recovery team, where he engaged in property valuations and assessment negotiations with the city. After joining Realnet/Altus, he started overseeing research in the Greater Edmonton area.
Zhengwen decided to pursue a graduate degree to broaden his knowledge of real estate development and investment and ultimately to set up his own private equity firm. There are three things that matter in real estate, “Location, Location, Location”, and that stays true when it comes to choosing a school. There is no better location than Toronto to gain exposure to the real estate industry, as the city is packed with exciting development opportunities and elite industry professionals. Not to mention, the level of specialization and close connection to the real estate and infrastructure community that the MREI program is able to offer is unmatched anywhere in the world. The decision becomes obvious.
Outside of the classroom, Zhengwen plays recreational hockey in NCHL (Edmonton) and is hoping to compete in Chopped Canada in the future.
Zhengwen holds a Bachelor of Commerce specializing in Finance and Operation Management from University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada.