Nigani Rajanayagam

Nigani Rajanayagam (BA, MMgt), Fraud Analyst, TD
Nigani Rajanayagam

Nigani is an eloquent and bilingual communicator with sharp analytical and business skills. As a Fraud Analyst at TD Canada Trust, she helps to mitigate risk to the bank and its clients by examining trends in fraud. Her role is highly autonomous, so there is a natural emphasis placed on her project management and time management skills, in addition to her ability to communicate her findings and analyses. 

Nigani has carefully studied and worked her way to such a diverse skill set. She first completed an Honours Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and French Studies at York University where she undertook meticulous analysis of the literary canon, and grew her language skills in both English and French. She grew adept at understanding and applying theory, looking beyond the surface, and making a case for her own analyses. When she graduated, Nigani self-identified gaps in her own portfolio when considering entering the workforce.

She decided to pursue a Master of Management degree to complement her undergraduate studies. Attracted by the short program length and its invitation to non-business graduates like herself, Nigani quickly began to build new competencies and tackle her fears.

“My presentation skills in the workplace have dramatically improved,” she says. “I can now hold a conversation on topics from Macroeconomics to Financial Accounting to Project Management theories and more.”

Committing herself to a five-year educational journey has paid off for Nigani who enjoys both career success and a new self-assuredness when presenting herself in the business community.

“I definitely believe that my Honours BA and my MMgt degrees complement each other, preparing me for success in the workforce,” she says.

“The analytical skills I learned in my undergrad and the business knowledge I gained at Schulich pair advantageously, giving me the confidence I need in a business environment.”