John Richard Kurpierz

PhD Candidate, Business Administration
Area of Study: Accounting
Anticipated Graduating Year: 2020
Educational Background
Present | PhD Candidate, Business Administration Schulich School of Business – York University Toronto, Canada Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jeffery Everett |
2013 | Master of Public Administration University of Washington Seattle, Washington |
2010 | Bachelor of Arts, Sociology and Minor, Political Science University of Arizona Tucson, Arizona |
Thesis Topic
The Intersection of Citizen Accountability and Financial Statement Comprehensibility
Research Interests – Work in Progress
Kurpierz, J., Thorne, L. and Joshi, P. “The Effect of CEO Narcissism and Organizational Identification on Corporate Social Responsibility” work in progress, with Linda Thorne and Preetika Joshi, York University
Kurpierz, J. “GAAP Compliance and School District Outcomes: Evidence from Washington State”
Kurpierz, J. “Towards a Regrowth of Organizational Ecology: How Accounting Provides New Tools for an Established Paradigm”
Kurpierz, J. “Citizen Comprehension of Accounting Documents: What Even Is ‘Citizen-Centric?’”
Smith, K. and Kurpierz, J. “Case Study of the Southpeak School District: The School of Hard Bonds” work in progress, with Ken Smith, Central Washington University
Bamber, M. and Kurpierz, J. “Rituals of Degradation in a Government Accounting Context: The Case of Carillion”, work in progress with Matt Bamber, Schulich School of Business
Deng, C. and Kurpierz, J. “When Stratification Encounters Globalization: International Supply Chain Accountability as Seen through the Foxconn Suicides” work in progress, with Claire Deng, Ryerson University
Kurpierz, J. and Cho, C. “TWO FACES OF COVID-19 IN NORTH AMERICA: SHARING POLICY IMPROVEMENTS BETWEEN CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES” (Currently under second-round review at Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal)
Awards and Honours
2019 | Association of Government Accountants Graduate Scholarship |
2016 | Schulich Entrance Scholarship of Merit |
2006 | US National Merit Scholar |
Refereed Publications
Kurpierz, J. & Smith, K. (2020) “Forensic Acculturation for Accountability in Local Governments: A Design Science Approach for School Leaders and Citizens” Journal of Forensic Accounting Research (In Press).
Zender, J.; Kurpierz, J., and Smith, K. “Fiscal Data Management and Analytic Research Strategies of Public Educational Institutions” Book chapter of Complementary Research Methods for Educational Leadership and Policy Studies Edited by Chad R. Lochmiller. Palgrave Macmillan 2018
Kurpierz, J., & Panci, E. (2015). “Quality of Financial Reporting of Washington State School Districts: Results from a Population-Wide Analysis of Audited Financial Reports” Evans School Review, 5, 106–120.
Cho, C. and Kurpierz, J. (2020) “Stretching the Public Purse: Budgetary Responses to COVID-19 in Canada” Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting, and Financial Management.
Kurpierz, J. and Smith, K. (2020) “The Greenwashing Triangle: Adapting tools from Fraud to Improve CSR Reporting” Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal.
Refereed Conference Papers
“Case Study of the Southpeak School District: The School of Hard Bonds” & “Stymied Citizen Tipsters: How Those Closest to Red Flags are Prevented from Achieving Accountability” 2020 American Accounting Association Forensic Accounting Research Conference, Washington, DC
“Executive Narcissism and Corporate Citizenship” 2019 AAA/Deloitte Foundation/J. Michael Cook Doctoral Consortium, Dallas, Texas
“Greenwashing is Fraud (And Fraud is Fixable!) How structural similarities allow accounting policy to prevent greenwashing” 2018 Centre For Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) 2018 North American Congress, Toronto, Ontario
“Panel Discussion: Theoretical Challenges in Qualitative Accounting Research: What is Theory and What is NOT”. Panelist. 3rd Qualitative Accounting Research Symposium, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario
“Facing Financial Reality: A Local Government Multi-Actor Model” 2017 Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference Emerging Scholars Colloquium, Quebec City, Quebec
Poster Presentation “The Effect of CEO Narcissism and Organizational Identification on Corporate Social Responsibility” Waterloo Ethics Symposium, Toronto, Ontario
“Greenwashing is like fraud. We have tools to treat fraud. Therefore, we have tools to treat greenwashing.” Centre of Excellence In Responsible Business, Student Research Workshop and Incubator, Toronto, Ontario
“Case Study of the Southpeak School District: The School of Hard Bonds” Western Casewriters’ Association, 2016 Conference. Portland, Oregon
“Facing Financial Reality: A Local Government Multi-Actor Model” 2015 American Accounting Association, Government/Nonprofit Section Midyear Meeting, Detroit, Michigan
“Three Languages of Governmental Accounting: How to understand, be understood, and create effective dialogue” Washington Society of CPAs/ Association of Government Accountants Government Accounting and Auditing Conference, Tacoma, Washington