Welcome to Your Ineō Orientation
Ineō Orientation is mandatory for all incoming students. Depending on your program (ie. Domestic/New to Canada) different dates and sessions apply for you. Please take careful note below.
NOTE: Ineō Orientation activities will be held in-person unless otherwise stated. Scroll down to view MBA Accelerated New to Canada session details. Continue to check your online schedule for room location details. Links for virtual sessions will be posted the morning of the event. Sessions on Sept. 1 & 2 are designed specifically for international students and students who have recently moved to Canada. Please note, your orientation schedule may be subject to change.
Wednesday, September 7 | |
1:30 – 2:00PM EST | Registration
In-Person Location: SSB Main Entrance – Corner of Ian MacDonald Blvd & York Blvd Check-in at the registration table and receive your name badge! |
2:00 – 3:30PM EST | Culture of Integrity
In-Person Location: McEwen Building |
3:30 – 4:45PM EST | Graduate Club Fair |
5:00 – 5:30PM EST | Dean’s Welcome
In-Person Location: SSB Auditorium Detlev Zwick, Dean, Schulich School of Business, Tanna H. Schulich Chair in Digital Marketing Virtual: https://yorku.zoom.us/j/91688913468?pwd=ZzVqTjI3SWg0V2lTWmxRYWRmVWc1dz09 |
5:30 – 6:30PM EST | Alumni Panel
In-Person Location: SSB Auditorium Moderated by: Detlev Zwick, Dean, Schulich School of Business, Tanna H. Schulich Chair in Digital Marketing Panelists: |
6:30PM EST | Evening Reception
In-Person Location: SSB Marketplace
Thursday, September 8 | |
7:00 – 8:30PM EST | CCD Session: Collaboration through Change: Improv Foundations for Building Relationships and Navigating Uncertainty
Virtual: Zoom link will be posted the morning of the session All Masters Programs – Centre of Career Design (CCD) |
Learning Outcomes Quick Guide:
Prepare |
Connect |
Motivate |
Supports a sense of capability and provides students with information to be successful academically.
Supports a sense of connectedness and provides opportunities for students to build social networks.
Supports a sense of purpose and encourages goal-setting.
Develop |
Engage |
Supports a sense of resourcefulness and provides resources and the development of interpersonal skills to build confidence.
Supports a sense of culture to instill pride and commitment to the school.