Schulich gains new Canada Research Chair

Marketing with Currency
That crumpled $20 bill in your wallet? You’re more likely to spend it than a crisp one, and Dr. Theodore Noseworthy, Associate Professor in Marketing at the Schulich School of Business, knows why. According to his research, people make inferences based on the visual appearance of currency.
“Much of this has to do with the normative belief that money is dirty, and thus people infer that a bill that looks worn must have been handled more than a bill that looks brand new,” Dr. Noseworthy explains.
Dr. Noseworthy’s research interests are in the area of product categorization and visual processing.
As the Canada Research Chair in Entrepreneurial Innovation and the Public Good, his goal is to develop insights that inform business and policy makers about the benefits of properly communicated innovation and the potential costs to susceptible consumers and society.
“My research speaks to how marketers can better communicate product and service innovations to maximize adoption and awareness,” Dr. Noseworthy says.
With funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI), he has developed the NOESIS: Innovation, Design and Consumption Laboratory housed at the Schulich School of Business with the specific intent to conduct further high quality research, train personnel, and facilitate knowledge mobilization.