Welcoming the First Cohort of Fellows to the Sustainable Infrastructure Fellowship Program

The Brookfield Centre in Real Estate and Infrastructure at the Schulich School of Business is excited to welcome the first cohort of Fellows to the Sustainable Infrastructure Fellowship Program which will take place from June 2nd until July 12th, 2019. The program was launched in June 2018 in partnership with Investor Leadership Network (ILN) and is designed to train senior infrastructure professionals from emerging economies on how to address many of the key challenges of 21st-century infrastructure development, including climate change, the health of the world’s oceans, and the use and production of energy sources.
This program is supported by leading global institutional investors with significant exposure in infrastructure investment. The first cohort represents a wide range of geographical, professional and gender diversity, with Fellows coming from ten countries on five continents and from several industry sub-sectors. Forty percent of the Fellows are women. During the program, the Fellows will participate in six weeks of classroom and experiential training conducted by eminent infrastructure experts from both academia and industry, as well as instruction on Sustainable Infrastructure Foundation’s SOURCE platform, and executive training from an infrastructure group of a participating global investor. The program will help Fellows to better understand the criteria used by investors to evaluate infrastructure projects, thus helping to close an existing gap in infrastructure investment.