MEDIA ADVISORY – Latest Research on Creating More Just Workplaces: How Are Business Leaders Performing?
What motivates business leaders to treat their employees fairly or unfairly? Why and under what conditions do leaders provide justice or injustice in the workplace? Despite decades of research into the experience of fair and unfair workplaces, only recently has the question been asked: Why be fair? Schulich professor Chris Bell is available to provide expert commentary and insight regarding some of the latest research in the Journal of Organizational Behavior looking at the issue of enacting justice in organizations. Professor Bell was a co-editor of the special issue, titled “Justice Enactment – Research on ‘Doing Justice’ in Organizations”, which includes seven research papers providing an overview of recent progress in creating more just workplaces, with a particular emphasis on the decision-making of organizational managers and leaders.
Chris Bell is an Associate Professor of Organization Studies at the Schulich School of Business and Associate Editor of Social Justice Research.
To arrange an interview, please contact Sarah Lynn Hayward in Schulich’s Media department at