Kellogg-Schulich EMBA Ranked 3rd in the World

The Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA program was ranked #3 in the world in the category of Joint Programs in the 2020 QS Global EMBA Rankings.
The Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA program received an overall score of 88.1%, placing closely behind the #1 ranked TRIUM Global EMBA program offered by the Stern School of Business, the London School of Economics and HEC Paris.
The EMBA partner schools in the Kellogg global EMBA network also ranked highly, with two other programs ranking among the world’s top ten. In addition to the Kellogg-Schulich program, the Kellogg-HKUST EMBA program placed 2nd overall and the Kellogg-WHU EMBA program based in Germany ranked 7th.
In conducting the ranking, QS evaluated more than 160 schools from over 30 countries. The ranking measures EMBA programs in a number of categories, including Employer Reputation, Thought Leadership, Career Outcomes, Diversity and Executive Profile.
Ranking Highlights
The Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA received the following scores:
- 3% in the Employer Reputation category;
- 7% in the Thought Leadership category; and
- 7% in the Career Outcomes category.
QS is the world’s leading global career and education network and publishes a number of rankings, including the QS World University Rankings.
For complete details regarding the QS EMBA ranking, please visit: