Matthew Fiacco, MMGT 21’/MBA 24′, Canada/Italy

Basic Information
- Name: Matthew Fiacco
- Program: Accelerated MBA 24′, Specialization in Entrepreneurship,
- Nationality: Canadian and Italian
- Previous education background: Master of Management from Schulich (MMGT ’21) and Honours Bachelor of Arts in History from York University (2016)
- Previous or current company and role: Small Business Advisor at Scotiabank and Associate Intern at Antler (a VC fund based in Toronto)
Interview Questions
- Tell us about yourself.
My name is Matthew Fiacco, I am a 2nd year MBA student at Schulich specializing in Entrepreneurship. Prior to the MBA, I also completed the Master of Management program at Schulich in 2021. My path to where I am now was unique, as I don’t come from a traditional business background. I also have a bachelor’s degree in history from York University. I am passionate about sports and gaming, as I’ve been partaking in both activities my whole life. More specifically, I love hockey and football and I’m huge fan of the Toronto Maple Leafs and New York Jets! I also enjoy getting involved in extracurriculars at school as well. Currently I am Associate Director of Finance for the Schulich Ventures Club and the Associate Director of Strategic Partnerships for the Schulich Advanced Strategy Club. Lastly, I am also currently participating in Dean’s Cup with my team, Case Squad!
- Why did you decide to pursue an MBA program at this point of your career?
I chose to pursue an MBA to get more experience in the entrepreneurship space. I am very passionate about entrepreneurship, so I was really interested to learn the intricacies of scaling a startup, raising funds, and finding a co-founder. Furthermore, my career aspirations lie in working in Venture Capital, as I hope to run my own firm one day. Having experienced the entrepreneurship courses in the Master of Management program, I was set on coming back to dive deeper!
- Why Schulich?
Schulich is a vibrant community that is exceptionally welcoming. I found that in both my MMGT and MBA programs, it was really easy to meet new people and build strong connections. Initially, I pursued the MMGT because it was a one-of-a-kind offering to students who didn’t have an undergraduate degree in business but wanted a business degree. I was so impressed by my experience the first time, that I decided to come back for round 2! Additionally, with regards to entrepreneurship, the startup community at Schulich is second to none. What Chris Carder and his team have built in these last few years has truly made an impact on the startup community at school and also Toronto itself. Schulich offers invaluable resources and networking opportunities for students either looking to become a founder or investors.
- What word or phrase describes your Schulich experience so far?
The best way to describe my experience at Schulich would be “eye-opening”. Not only has Schulich provided me with an extensive education in business, but I’ve also learned so many soft skills as well. The entrepreneurship stream in particular has opened my eyes to the Toronto startup ecosystem. As such I have been fortunate enough to experience the innovation of our city firsthand. Even outside entrepreneurship, so many of my classes offered a more experiential learning experience.
- What is the most memorable moment at Schulich?
My most memorable moment so far would definitely be winning round 1 of Dean’s Cup with my team. Round 1 was hosted by KPMG at their office in Toronto. We had to pitch our solution for a case to a panel of consultants and one partner. It was incredibly nerve-wracking but also so rewarding. The thought that our team won, amongst 50 other teams is an incredible feeling.
- What is your plan after graduation and how has Schulich helped with that?
I am fortunate enough to be employed prior to obtaining my MBA. I love my job as a Small Business Advisor, as I get to work with business owners and advise them on their lending and investment needs. I would say that I would eventually like to pursue a career that is more hands-on, like venture capital. My long-term career goal is to own my own venture capital firm and work with companies day in and day out to help them scale. I am also fortunate enough to have been accepted to the Mentorship Match program, which is part of the entrepreneurship specialization. This program matches individuals with a VC fund or a startup. This experiential course allows students to gain real world experience, interning either a VC fund or startup. I am currently interning with Antler, where I am gaining invaluable insight and experience in venture capital investing.
- What would you like prospective students to know about Schulich’s MBA/Master program?
My message would be directed to those students who were in the same situation as me back in 2020. Graduating from a non-business background, unsure of what to do next and also anxious about pivoting into a new discipline. Having a non-business background has actually been one of my strengths and reasons for success in both the MMGT and MBA programs. Coming from the Arts, I came into both programs with unique perspectives – which is a great thing to have! What is interesting is that both MMGT and MBA programs have a wide range of students with different backgrounds and experiences. Lastly, Schulich highly values diversity – especially diversity in experience and perspective!
- What advice do you have for someone who considers pursuing an MBA/Master program at Schulich?
Spend time with the people you meet at school and really get involved in the community Schulich has built. There are so many great clubs and events that are scheduled throughout the year that are not only beneficial for networking, but they’re fun as well! Really make the most of your experience because the 2 years will fly by!