Publications Database
Welcome to the new Schulich Peer-Reviewed Publication Database!
The database is currently in beta-testing and will be updated with more features as time goes on. In the meantime, stakeholders are free to explore our faculty’s numerous works. The left-hand panel affords the ability to search by the following:
- Faculty Member’s Name;
- Area of Expertise;
- Whether the Publication is Open-Access (free for public download);
- Journal Name; and
- Date Range.
At present, the database covers publications from 2012 to 2020, but will extend further back in the future. In addition to listing publications, the database includes two types of impact metrics: Altmetrics and Plum. The database will be updated annually with most recent publications from our faculty.
If you have any questions or input, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Search Results
Chan, Y.E. and Oppong-Tawiah, D. (2017). "The Influence of IT and Knowledge Capabilities on the Survival of University IT Startups", International Journal of Technoentrepreneurship, 3(2), 150-172.
- Business Incubators
- Dynamic Capabilities
- Information Technology
- IT Capabilities
- IT Entrepreneurship
- IT Startups
- IT-Enabled Innovation
- Knowledge Assets
- Knowledge Capabilities
- New Product Development
- Resource-Based View
- Startup Agility
- Startup Performance
- Startup Survival Rates
- Technology Capabilities
- University Incubators
- University Startups
Despite continuing interest in the role of university incubators in fostering IT entrepreneurship, empirical evidence on the link between incubation and IT startup survival has been mixed. This paper offers a fresh, unifying perspective by examining how university startups' IT-enabled agility relates to their survival. We use the resource-based view, dynamic capabilities and new product development (NPD) literatures to create a conceptual framework of the impact of startup firms' knowledge assets, technology capabilities, agility and innovation on their survival. Our framework suggests that startups' survival rates increase when they use dynamic IT knowledge capabilities to pursue innovations with emerging technology capabilities in rapidly evolving IT markets. Implications for university incubator research, policy and management are discussed.Fan, X., Ng, S., Rungtusanatham, M. and Zhao, X. (2014). "TQM and Brand-Building by Chinese Original Equipment Manufacturers: Impact on Business Performance", International Journal of Production Research, 52(3), 825-846.