Publications Database

Welcome to the new Schulich Peer-Reviewed Publication Database!

The database is currently in beta-testing and will be updated with more features as time goes on. In the meantime, stakeholders are free to explore our faculty’s numerous works. The left-hand panel affords the ability to search by the following:

  • Faculty Member’s Name;
  • Area of Expertise;
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At present, the database covers publications from 2012 to 2020, but will extend further back in the future. In addition to listing publications, the database includes two types of impact metrics: Altmetrics and Plum. The database will be updated annually with most recent publications from our faculty.

If you have any questions or input, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Search Results

Abu Shiraz Rahaman, Dean Neu, Jeff Everett (2024). "Accounting Artifacts and the Reformation of a National Healthcare System", Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 99, 102719.

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Abstract This study examines the role of ‘accounting artifacts’ in the reformation of a country’s healthcare system. Focusing on a single hospital and four decades of policy reform in the African nation of Ghana, and starting from Pierre Bourdieu’s Logic of Practice, the study shows how different forms, constructions, and classifications of accounting information—or accounting artifacts—shape policy regimes and facilitate particular patterns of activity and interaction. The study demonstrates how these regimes and patterns, in conjunction with the embedded social memory or habitus of individual actors, in turn lead to the construction and use of new artifacts. Finally, the study highlights how hospital staff and patients use various tactics to work with and around these artifacts, resulting in at times unintended consequences and the need to pursue new policy directions. In so doing, the study furthers our understanding of why policy-reform processes in the field of healthcare are so often sequential, if not perpetual, in nature.

Tan, J. and Zhao, X. (2019). "A Literature Review on the Strategic Fit between Patent Strategy and Environment", Foreign Economics and Management (外国经济与管理), 41(1), 3-15.

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Abstract As the economy has been becoming more knowledge-based and the process of globalization has been accelerating, patent portfolio has become an important aspect of key competitive advantages. Patents make great contributions for firms to protect and benefit from their innovation and are essential for firms’ competence, survival, and development. Previous research has studied patent strategy by scholars of different disciplines from different perspectives. However, an integrated and consistent theoretical framework has not been developed on how firms could initiate suitable patent strategies which fit the dynamic environment. In order to improve the theoretical framework of patent strategy and provide a theoretical basis for firms’ patent management practice in China, by searching and reorganizing literature in recent 10 years, this paper conducts a literature review on the choice of patent strategy including whether to adopt patents to protect innovation and how to leverage patents to generate value from the perspective of strategic fit. We focus on the fit between patent strategy and micro environment, meso environment, and macro environment. We integrate the recent development of patent strategy literature, grasp the research frontier, and construct a theoretical framework on firm patent strategy. This paper holds theoretical implications for patent strategy research by integrating ideas in the literature and giving a consistent framework, and also has practical implications for firms’ patent management practice. Furthermore, based on the literature review, we suggest that future research should put more attention on the following aspects. First, research on patent operation should be extended. Second, since prior research mainly focused on developed economies, future research should study patent strategy in transition economies. Third, patent strategy literature should be expanded by providing insights on micro level mechanisms. Fourth, since prior research ignored the impact of networks on patent strategy, scholars should study patent strategy from the social network perspective. Fifth, cross-level research may extend patent strategy research by integrating factors from the macro, meso, and micro level. Finally, considering the dynamic essence of patent strategy, more dynamic research is needed to improve our theoretical understanding of patent strategy.

Chang, K., Cheng, K.T., Kim, K.Y. and Shen, W. (2019). "What to do and What Works? Exploring How Work Groups Cope with Understaffing", Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 24(3), 346–358.

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Abstract Complaints regarding understaffing are common in the workplace, and research has begun to document some of the potential ill effects that can result from understaffing conditions. Despite evidence that understaffing is a relatively prevalent and consequential stressor, research has yet to explore how work groups cope with this stressor and the efficacy of their coping strategies in mitigating poor group performance and burnout. The present study examines these questions by exploring both potential mediating and moderating coping effects using a sample of 96 work groups from four technology organizations. Results indicate that work groups react differently to manpower and expertise understaffing conditions, with leaders engaging in more initiating structure behaviors when faced with manpower understaffing and engaging in more consideration behaviors when faced with expertise understaffing. Further, leaders’ use of consideration in the face of expertise understaffing was negatively associated with group burnout. We also uncovered evidence that leadership behaviors and work group actions (i.e., team–member exchange) moderate relationships between manpower understaffing and outcomes, though differently for group performance and burnout. Overall, this study helps to reframe work groups as active in their efforts to cope with understaffing and highlights that some coping strategies are more effective than others. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.

Huang, D., Pan, Y. and Xu, J. (2019). "Intra-Firm Subsidiary Grouping and MNC Subsidiary Performance in China", Journal of International Management, 25(2), 1-16.

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Abstract Many multinational corporations (MNCs) operate multiple subsidiaries in a foreign country. Drawing upon literature of organizational network and business group, we hypothesize that the number of subsidiaries of an MNC has an impact on subsidiary financial performance in China. We further hypothesized two moderating effects, namely subsidiary's country of origin and subsidiary size. The results show that subsidiary grouping effect is more salient for subsidiaries from Japan and South Korea, and that larger subsidiaries are less affected by the subsidiary grouping effect. Our empirical results were based on a sample of 40,315 MNC subsidiaries in China. The findings underscore the importance of group-based competitive advantages of MNC subsidiaries in international business.

Abdi, M. and Aulakh, P.S. (2018). "Internationalization and Performance: Degree, Duration and Scale of Operations", Journal of International Business Studies, 49(7), 832-857.

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Abstract We assess the theoretical underpinnings and associated empirical findings of the three-stage sigmoid–curve relationship between degree of internationalization (DOI) and performance by re-examining the results reported in one of the prominent studies in the literature. We further conduct our own analyses of 23,474 observations of 2,620 US manufacturing firms over the period 1976–2008 and account for self-selection of firms into different degrees of internationalization by using a generalized propensity score estimator. Both sets of results show that the relationship between DOI and performance conforms to a mostly negative sigmoid curve and does not support the three-stage theorization. Further examination reveals that two major conceptual and empirical shortcomings underlie the disparity between the theoretical predictions of the three-stage model and these empirical findings. First, whereas theory relies overwhelmingly on enhanced scale of operations as a causal mechanism through which internationalization contributes to performance, empirical studies preclude proper identification of scale-related benefits. Second, theory and empirics tend to confuse temporary difficulties experienced upon entry into international markets with examining the benefits realizable at different levels of DOI, regardless of the firm’s short-term difficulties in realizing those benefits. Our empirical results show that correcting for each of these shortcomings contributes to diminishing the theory–empirics gap.

Abraham, S. and Bamber, M. (2017). "The Q&A: Under Surveillance", Accounting, Organizations and Society, 58, 15-31.

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Abstract Drawing on theories of surveillance and interaction ritual, we explore the incentives (disincentives) to analyst participation during the question-and-answer session (Q&A) which concludes firms’ results presentations. Analysis of our qualitative data shows that interrogation strategies and behaviours are influenced by a combination of regulatory and ritual codes. Furthermore, the presence of surveillance technologies and networks exacerbate the risks and rewards faced by analysts during this interactive information exchange. In turn, we find that the common conceptualisation of the Q&A as an ostensibly economic event, underpinned by information retrieval, is overly simplistic. The gaze of surveillance transforms the Q&A into a dramaturgical encounter, where impression management techniques are important. From this, we develop a descriptive framework to explain public interrogation strategies and behaviours. Our work will help future researchers better understand investor-manager meetings. Furthermore, we propose that our descriptive framework has extensions to similar public interrogation settings.

Weber, O., & Ang, W. R. (2016). "The Performance, Volatility, Persistence and Downside Risk Characteristics of Sustainable Investments in Emerging Market", ACRN Oxford Journal of Finance and Risk Perspectives, 5(2), 1-13.

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Abstract We analyzed the performance of an emerging market SRI index, the MSCI SRI Emerging Market Index, with regard to its financial performance compared to conventional indexes between June 2011 and December 2014 based on daily returns. Our analysis suggests that the SRI index is ranked higher in terms of mean return than most of the conventional emerging market portfolios. Generally, we found relative stability in the performance and persistence for the SRI index whereby its performance is indifferent from the market benchmark and no persistence can be found. Furthermore, the results suggest that negative shocks have greater impact on the volatility of the index than positive shocks. In general, it can be concluded that the emerging markets SRI index has lower sensitivity to market return during bearish condition.

Li, S., Xia, J., Long, C. and Tan, J. (2012). "Control Modes and Outcomes of Transformed State-Owned Enterprises in China: An Empirical Test", Management and Organization Review, 8 (2), 283-309.

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Abstract The transformation of state‐owned enterprises (SOEs) into efficient entities has been an important approach in transition economies. However, the transition literature reveals little about how control structure affects firm performance of transformed SOEs. Drawing on agency theory, we distinguish three modes of control in transformed SOEs: state‐controlled, dispersedly controlled, and privately controlled modes and argue that actual control after transformation plays a critical role in determining performance. Examining the impact of different control modes in China, we find that the key is who controls the transformed firm. Non‐state‐controlled (dispersedly controlled and privately controlled) firms are more likely to have enhanced post‐transformation performance and reduced agency costs than state‐controlled firms.