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Search Results
Elif Izberk-Bilgin and Russell W Belk (2024). "Religion in Neoliberal Times: The Global Spread of Marketization, Implications for Religion, and Future Research Directions", Marketing Theory, 0(0).
Marketization is a profound force transforming societies, including how people relate to and practice religion. Drawing from a synthesis of interdisciplinary studies, we approach marketization as a megatrend, explicating how its global spread beyond the advanced economies of the United States and Western Europe is leading to significant changes in religion and its marketplace articulations. We identify four specific ways in which marketization’s global spread influences religion: detraditionalization, re-publicization, dedifferentiation, and deterritorialization. We map these four areas of influence at the intersection of religion and consumption. In so doing, we identify several under-theorized areas in consumer research and offer six future research directions: (1) new non-institutional stages of religious performance, (2) transhumanism as a new religion, (3) new religious authorities, (4) transnational networks of religious service movements, (5) prosperity religion in non-Western and non-Christian contexts, and (6) resistance to marketization. We advance marketing theory by drawing attention to the megatrend of globalizing marketization that we argue should inform the future of the study of religion in consumer research.Madhok, A. (2021). "Globalization, De-globalization and Re-globalization: Some Historical Context and the Impact of the COVID Pandemic", Business Research Quarterly, 24(3), 199-203.
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed many of the weaknesses in our current systems of government and commerce. In this essay, I provide some historical context to the recent era of “hyper-globalization.” I then present multiple factors—economic, social, political, technological, and governance-related—that collectively explain why globalization has peaked and is on the retreat. Following this, I use the analogy of a three-legged stool to explain the importance of recalibrating the economy, state, and society so as to realize a healthier alignment among them. Finally, I look at where globalization might be going next and the implications for firms, concluding with some lessons that we can take away from the COVID crisis.Belk, R. (2019). "The Future of Globalization: A Comment", International Marketing Review, 36 (4), 545-547.
The purpose of this paper is to present an afterword to Steenkamp’s reflections on the future of globalization published in this issue of International Marketing Review.Mahalik, M., Sadorsky, P., Shabaz, M. and Shahzad, S. (2018). "How Strong is the Causal Relationship between Globalization and Energy Consumption in Developed Economies? A Country-Specific Time-Series and Panel Analysis", Applied Economics, 50(13), 1479-1494.
We examine the causal relationship between globalization, economic growth and energy consumption for 25 developed economies using both time series and panel data techniques for the period 1970–2014. Due to the presence of cross-sectional dependence in the panel (countries from Asia, North America, Western Europe and Oceania), we employ the cross-sectional augmented IPS test to ascertain unit root properties. The cointegration test results indicate the presence of a long-run association between globalization, economic growth and energy consumption. Long-run heterogeneous panel elasticities are estimated through the common correlated effects mean group estimator and the augmented mean group estimator. The empirical results reveal that, for most countries, globalization increases energy consumption. In the USA and UK, globalization is negatively correlated with energy consumption. The causality analysis indicates the presence of the globalization-driven energy consumption hypothesis. This empirical analysis suggests insightful policy guidelines for policy makers using globalization as an economic tool to utilize energy efficiently for sustainable economic development in the long run.Mahalik, M., Mallick, H., Sadorsky, P. and Shahbaz, M. (2016). "The Role of Globalization on the Recent Evolution of Energy Demand in India: Implications for Sustainable Development", Energy Economics, 55, 52-68.
Using annual data for the period 1971–2012, this study explores the relationship between globalization and energy consumption for India by endogenizing economic growth, financial development and urbanization. The cointegration test proposed by Bayer–Hanck (2013) is applied to estimate the long-run and short-run relationships among the variables. After confirming the existence of cointegration, the overall results from the estimation of an ARDL energy demand function reveal that in the long run, the acceleration of globalization (measured in three dimensions — economic, social and overall globalization) leads to a decline in energy demand in India. Furthermore, while financial development is negatively related to energy consumption, economic growth and urbanization are the key factors leading to increased energy demand in the long run. These results have policy implications for the sustainable development of India. In particular, globalization and financial development provide a win–win situation for India to increase its economic growth in the long run and become more environmentally sustainable.Belk, R. and Cherrier, H. (2015). "Setting the Conditions for Going Global: Dubai’s Transformation and the Emirati Women", Journal of Marketing Management, 31(3-4), 317-335.
This study investigated how the rapid transformation of Dubai has affected the forms and shape of Emiratis’ consumption. Analysis of participant observations, projective techniques and existential phenomenological interviews with Emirati women living in Dubai uncovered ambivalence about economic power and loss of traditions and strategies for going global including embracing local capital, brand selection and spatiotemporal restrictions. The discussion notes that the global is something that is locally constructed whereby the locals play a key role in developing global structures of common difference.Voronov, M., De Clercq, D. and Hinings, C.R. (2013). "Conformity and Distinctiveness in a Global Institutional Framework: The Legitimation of Ontario Fine Wine", Journal of Management Studies, 50(4), 607-645.
The study investigates how local actors pursue two paradoxical aspects of legitimacy in a global institutional framework: the need for global conformity and the need for local distinctiveness. Drawing on the notion of glocalization, it explicates how this pursuit is accomplished by actors' selective fidelity to global norms and adaptation of these norms to local conditions. The empirical work consists of a five‐year qualitative case study of the Ontario wine industry. It provides empirical evidence for the presence of several non‐mutually exclusive paths through which local actors seek legitimation in a global context. The study offers important implications for future research on legitimation and globalization.Belk, R. and Nguyen, D. (2012). "Vietnamese Weddings: From Marx to Market", Journal of Macromarketing, 32(1), 109-120.