Publications Database

Welcome to the new Schulich Peer-Reviewed Publication Database!

The database is currently in beta-testing and will be updated with more features as time goes on. In the meantime, stakeholders are free to explore our faculty’s numerous works. The left-hand panel affords the ability to search by the following:

  • Faculty Member’s Name;
  • Area of Expertise;
  • Whether the Publication is Open-Access (free for public download);
  • Journal Name; and
  • Date Range.

At present, the database covers publications from 2012 to 2020, but will extend further back in the future. In addition to listing publications, the database includes two types of impact metrics: Altmetrics and Plum. The database will be updated annually with most recent publications from our faculty.

If you have any questions or input, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Search Results

Yimeng Li, Sylvia H. Hsu, Rong Wang, Poy Theprungsirikul, Natalia Neparidze, Su-Hsin Chang and Shi-Yi Wang (Forthcoming). "Associations Between Patient Characteristics and Progression to Multiple Myeloma Among Patients With Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance: A Systematic Review", Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma and Leukemia.

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Abstract Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a pre-malignant condition of multiple myeloma (MM). Evidence suggested old age, black race, male gender, and obesity as risk factors for MGUS development; however, whether they are associated with an increased risk of progression to MM among patients with MGUS is unclear. A systematic search of PUBMED and EMBASE for cohort studies investigating the association between age/race/gender/obesity and progression to MM. We used the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale (NOS) to assess the methodologic quality of the included studies. Summary risk ratios were calculated using random-effects models. We identified 24 publications, of which 17 articles were included in the main analyses. Overall, the quality of the studies was fair (mean NOS = 5.5). Our meta-analyses showed that old age was positively associated with the risk of the MGUS-MM progression (risk ratio: 2.38; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.59-3.57), while race was not statistically significantly associated with the risk (blacks vs whites: 1.09; 95% CI: 0.77-1.54). Males had a lower risk of MGUS-MM progression, compared to females (risk ratio: 0.70; 95% CI 0.50-1.0; P-value = .048). High body mass index was significantly associated with an increased risk of MGUS-MM progression (risk ratio: 1.32; 95% CI 1.12-1.57). Based on extant research, old age, female sex, and obesity may be implicated in MGUS-MM progression. However, several studies which found an insignificant association between age/gender and progression did not report the risk estimates. Publication bias exists and our risk estimates may be overestimated. More studies are warranted to confirm our findings.

Avis Devine, Isabelle Jolin, Nils Kok & Erkan Yönder (2024). "How Gender Diversity Shapes Cities: Evidence from Risk Management Decisions in REITs", Journal of Business Ethics, 189, 723–741 .

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Abstract In this paper, we study the impact of CEO and board gender diversity on the risk management decisions of 179 U.S. Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) during the 2001–2018 period. Using a bottom-up analysis on the properties in REIT portfolios, we find significant risk reduction associated with gender-diverse REIT leadership. We document that REITs with a woman CEO, in combination with more women on the board, display less active trading and a longer hold period for assets. In addition, REITs with more gender-diverse leadership are more geographically focused, which for REITs is considered a lower risk investment strategy. Finally, REITs with more gender-diverse leadership are more actively investing in environmentally sustainable real estate. We conclude that gender diversity in real estate firms carries real-life implications for U.S. cities, given their key role as developers, owners, and operators of the built world.

Nhu Nguyen, Ivona Hideg, Yuval Engel, and Frédéric Godart (2024). "Benevolent Sexism and the Gender Gap in Startup Evaluation", Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 48(2), 506-546.

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Abstract Women-led startups are evaluated less favorably than men-led startups, but the reasons for this require further investigation. Drawing on ambivalent sexism theory, we posit that benevolent sexism undermines gender equity in startup evaluation. We initially expected benevolent sexism to be negatively related to evaluations of women-led startups. Surprisingly, we found that benevolent sexism is unrelated to evaluations of women-led startups but is positively related to those of men-led startups—a finding that was replicated in two additional studies. Our work demonstrates benevolent sexism as an advantaging mechanism of inequity in entrepreneurship that boosts men’s outcomes without directly harming women’s outcomes.

Calic, G., Lévesque, M. and A. Shevchenko (2024). "On Why Women-Owned Businesses Require Extra Time to Reach Their Crowdlending Goals", Small Business Economics, 63, 917–938.

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Abstract Examining gender differences in business financing reveals important dimensions on which women- and men-owned businesses differ. Although considerable progress has been made in understanding gender differences in mobilizing resources, the role of time in business financing remains an underexplored topic, particularly among marginalized entrepreneurs, where decisions about and outcomes related to time play an important role in business success. Leveraging the literature on gender role congruity and risk preferences along with a sample of nearly 300,000 microloans funded on the platform, we explore whether the timespan for women to reach their microloan funding goal differs from that of men and how borrowers’ strategies regarding the size and repayment duration of these microloans influence this gender difference.

Winny Shen, Tanja Hentschel, Ivona Hideg (2023). "Leading Through the Uncertainty of COVID-19: The Joint Influence of Leader Emotions and Gender on Abusive and Family-Supportive Supervisory Behaviors", Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 00, 1-19.

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Abstract As COVID-19 was a highly novel virus in 2019, it brought risks that are difficult to quantify and rampant uncertainty to the fore. We focus on how leaders navigate such an uncertain context. Drawing upon appraisal theories of emotions, we first argue that under the context of high uncertainty, leaders experience emotions relating to their perceptions of (un)controllability: anxiety and hope. We predict that these have differential behavioural consequences; leaders' anxiety about the pandemic relates to abusive supervision, whereas leaders' hope relates to family-supportive supervision. Integrating research on gender roles, we theorize that counter to common stereotypes, men's leadership would be more affected by their emotions. At the same time, women would provide leadership behaviours needed by their followers irrespective of their emotions; namely, refraining from abusive and providing family-supportive supervision. Our hypotheses were supported using a sample of 137 leader-follower dyads in the early phases of the pandemic. Our research has significant implications for appraisal theories of emotions by demonstrating that the behaviours of women, compared to men, may be less affected by their emotions. These findings present a significant departure from previous literature by revealing an important boundary condition of appraisal theories of emotions.

Joseph, D.L. and Shen, W. (2020). "Gender and Leadership: A Criterion-focused Review and Research Agenda", Human Resource Management Review, 31(2) .

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Abstract There is a large and growing body of work on gender on leadership, but this literature remains fragmented and incomplete, due in part to insufficient attention paid to nuances of the criterion variable of leadership. To provide a broader perspective on this literature, we draw upon Campbell, McCloy, Oppler, and Sager's (1993) theory of job performance as a framework to organize our review. First, we position gender as an indirect determinant of leadership and summarize prior work on (a) gender differences in leadership outcomes (i.e., emergence and effectiveness), (b) gender differences in leader behaviors, (c) gender differences in direct determinants of leader behaviors (i.e., declarative knowledge, skill, and motivation), and (d) potential mediated or indirect relationships between gender and these leadership criteria. Second, we explore gender as a moderator of both interpersonal (i.e., leader behaviors → leadership outcomes) and intrapersonal (i.e., direct determinants → leader behaviors) leadership processes. Throughout our review, we highlight new directions for future research to advance the study of gender and leadership.

Hideg, I. and Wilson, A.E. (2020). "History Backfires: Reminders of Past Injustices Against Women Undermine Support for Workplace Policies Promoting Women", Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 156, 176-189.

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Abstract Public discourse on current inequalities often invokes past injustice endured by minorities. This rhetoric also sometimes underlies contemporary equality policies. Drawing on social identity theory and the employment equity literature, we suggest that reminding people about past injustice against a disadvantaged group (e.g., women) can invoke social identity threat among advantaged group members (e.g., men) and undermine support for employment equity (EE) policies by fostering the belief that inequality no longer exists. We find support for our hypotheses in four studies examining Canadian (three studies) and American (one study) EE policies. Overall, we found that reminders of past injustice toward women undermined men’s support for an EE policy promoting women by heightening their denial of current gender discrimination. Supporting a social identity account, men’s responses were mediated by collective self-esteem, and were attenuated when threat was mitigated. Reminders of past injustice did not influence women’s support for the EE policy.

Hideg, I. and Shen, W. (2019). "Why Still so Few? A Theoretical Model of the Role of Benevolent Sexism and Career Support in the Continued Underrepresentation of Women in Leadership Positions", Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 26, 287-303.

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Abstract We advance our understanding of women’s continued underrepresentation in leadership positions by highlighting the subtle, but damaging, role benevolent sexism, a covert and socially accepted form of sexism, plays in this process. Drawing on and integrating previously disparate literatures on benevolent sexism and social support, we develop a new theoretical model in which benevolent sexism of both women and those in their social networks (i.e., managers and intimate partners) affect women’s acquisition of career social support for advancement at two levels, interpersonal and intrapersonal, and across multiple domains, work and family. At the interpersonal level, we suggest that managers’ and intimate partners’ benevolent sexism may undermine their provision of the needed career support to advance in leadership positions for women. At the intrapersonal level, we suggest that women’s personal endorsement of benevolent sexism may undermine their ability to recognize and willingness to seek out career support from their family members (i.e., intimate partners) and managers for advancement to leadership positions. Implications for theory and future research are discussed.

Beatty, A.S., Higdem, J.L., Kiger, T.B., Kostal, J.W., Kiger, T.B., Sackett, P.R. and Shen, W. (2016). "The Role of Socioeconomic Status in SAT-freshman Grade Relationships Across Gender and Racial Subgroups", Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice, 35, 21-28.

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Abstract Recent research has shown that admissions tests retain the vast majority of their predictive power after controlling for socioeconomic status (SES), and that SES provides only a slight increment over SAT and high school grades (high school grade point average [HSGPA]) in predicting academic performance. To address the possibility that these overall analyses obscure differences by race/ethnicity or gender, we examine the role of SES in the test‒grade relationship for men and women as well as for various racial/ethnic subgroups within the United States. For each subgroup, the test‒grade relationship is only slightly diminished when controlling for SES. Further, SES is a substantially less powerful predictor of academic performance than both SAT and HSGPA. Among the indicators of SES (i.e., father's education, mother's education, and parental income), father's education appears to be strongest predictor of freshman grades across subgroups, with the exception of the Asian subgroup. In general, SES appears to behave similarly across subgroups in the prediction of freshman grades with SAT scores and HSGPA.

Chen, W. and Tan, J. (2015). "Minding the Gender Gap: Social Network and Internet Correlates of Business Performance among Chinese Immigrant Entrepreneurs", American Behavioral Scientist, 59(8), 977-991.

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Abstract Existing studies have been inconclusive on whether and the extent to which gendered social networks contribute to the gender gap in business performance. Drawing on a random sample of Chinese Canadian entrepreneurs, this research examines the nexus of social networks, Internet use, and the gender gap in business performance. Results reveal a marked gender difference in firm size, which becomes narrowed after social networks, voluntary association participation, Internet use, and business characteristics are controlled. More important, network composition and structural position have different implications for men and women entrepreneurs. Men are more effective in converting relational advantages into business advantages. Interaction effects suggest that kin homophily hurts women’s business performance but not men’s. Yet, women gain more from participating in transnational entrepreneurship.