Codebook Series
One of the Centre’s goals is to foster a broader understanding of the data analytics tools used in digital financial research. One of the core tools used by accounting analytics experts is the Python programming language. We are strong proponents of using Python to gather, process, analyze, and visualize accounting and financial data. We also believe anyone can learn it. For this reason, on this page we will make available a series of code notebooks – called Jupyter notebooks – each of which walks you through a unique coding task. Our hope is that these notebooks prove useful to fellow academics as well as budding data scientists and practitioners interested in analyzing digital financial information.
Latest Notebooks
Downloading Twitter Data (View on Github)
This is a series of Jupyter notebooks for downloading Twitter data in Python.
Analyzing Twitter Data (View on Github)
This is a series of Jupyter notebooks for analyzing Big Data -- specifically Twitter data -- using Python's powerful PANDAS (Python Data Analysis) library.