Schulich’s Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM)
Lead the Supply Chain Movement.
The Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM) is a unique program that provides a gateway to management careers in logistics, purchasing, operations and customer service. The program may be taken full-time in 12 months, or on a part-time basis by working professionals for completion in as little as two years. Upon completion of the Program graduates are granted advanced standing to the Supply Chain Management Professional (CSCMP) designation by the Supply Chain Canada.
Design Global Supply Chains for Tomorrow’s Innovative Economy.
The MSCM program is highly experiential, culminating in a collaborative Supply Chain Consulting Project in which groups will explore opportunities for business development and problem-solving for a local client organization.
Students will graduate from the program with cross-functional skills in marketing, accounting, finance, business communication and teamwork skills, as well as creative thinking and research skills.

Career Opportunities for MSCM Graduates
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The program is ideal for students who aspire rapid career advancements from entry level positions in logistics, purchasing, operations and customer service to senior management positions responsible for the end-to-end design and coordination of an organization’s supply chain.
Throughout their studies, students will also receive support from Schulich’s in-house team of certified Career Coaches and Industry Advisors, which offers a wealth of innovative resources, individualized mentoring and coaching to help advance student careers.
Lead the Supply Chain Movement.
Schulich’s Master of Supply Chain Management (MSCM)